don't shortchange death & taxes
love and kitkat are the subliminal absolutes that run our small universes, much like evil grand viziers do in disney cartoons.
sure, they make you feel like a king... but what did mommy say about eating too many sweets?
love lies. kit kat makes you fat. if you're okay with half-truths and fat (and most people are), then what the hey..
but when your heart gets broken or attacked (because arteries aren't made of plexiglass, my friend), remember this:
it's your own fault.
but there's nothing a little exercise (ie. pain) can't fix.
you wanna drag the analogy on to its screaming writhing end? ..
i'll say... exercise is that team of smartly dressed accountants that corporatizes what used to be yours and sells it back to you, greatly reduced, in a shiny aluminum box.
and you really shouldn't buy it
but you couldn't help yourself, coz you're a sucker for such things
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