Ask Opinion Guy: If You Want My Opinion... (Title header)
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Have a burning question? Need someone else's advice? Want a different view on something than you may have otherwise been getting? Do you perhaps wish to voice your own opinion to the world wide web? If you have answered yes to any of these questions... Welcome to my site!

You can call me Opinion Guy. As you may have guessed, I have opinions, and lots of them. Opinions I'm not afraid to share. I have no degrees in higher education. I'm not a therapist, a psychiatrist, religious leader, or psychologist. All I have is personal life experience to draw on. I have no qualifications to offer a professional opinion . But I offer my advice free and it's your choice whether or not you take it or agree with it. And if you are like me you enjoy hearing other peoples opinions. Or perhaps offering advice of your own.

Here you may do both. Submit your questions on current events; family and friend relationships; love, sex, and marriage; religion, the occult, and the supernatural; as well as other topics. You may also submit your own personal opinions on any of these subjects, or even tell me what you think of my opinions. Good or bad I will post it on my site for all to see.

I will do my best to respond to all submissions promptly but please be patient. I do this in my spare time and when I do write my responses I like to spend the time and energy that your submissions deserve.

Thank you for your time and submissions from all who have submitted in the last year. I hope I have been of some help. And to all my viewers who have perused this site and enjoyed it, thanks to you as well. Keep me in mind if you ever need an opinion. To those viewers who didn't like my site, submit a message telling me how you feel. To everyone...enjoy!

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