Black Feathers/ Black Lenin
(Kolorform Records)
KFR 15

Black Feathers/ Black Lenin takes a more classical approach to the murky atmoshperes of Opion Somnium, making use of live instruments to make timeless pieces and music based on a simplicity of theory moving away from post-tonal and even anything melodic, focusing more on the essence and beauty of a single tone or chord with lenghts allowing the listener to move between being in the present and participating in eternity. Four epic movements all based on improvisation, swell and nearly drown into deep dreamy drones. Starting out, dense layered and treated cello drones are accompanied by cymbal crashes and drums moving into violins and cello with voice drones, organ and soft guitar. The album moves on to noise washes which fade into accordion and voice, layered with piano and lingering bass drums, then mournful strings lead into sleepy accordion drones with bowed guitar and ending with wahy field recordings. Subtleness of changes flux with oscillations, drenched in reverb, and multiple delays. Over 60 minutes of music with bonus track
Das vielversprechende Projekt aus New Mexico mit zweiter (?) CDR. Sp  rischer & droniger als der Erstling, wird der H  rer hier in ein Bad aus sehns  chtigen Drones getaucht, aus denen ab und zu identifizierbare Instrumente auftauchen wie Cello, Piano, Akkordeon, oder perkussive Strukturen ,...hochmelancholisch, zwischen AIDAN BAKER, RACHEL'S und ruhigen TROUM. RECOMMENDED !!

- Drone Records
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