1) wget ftp://ftp.eggheads.org/pub/eggdrop/source/1.6/eggdrop1.6.13.tar.gz 2) In telnet type tar zxvf eggdrop1.6.13.tar.gz 3) Type cd eggdrop1.6.13 3) Type ./configure 4) config OR iconfig 5) make 6) make install 7) cd eggdrop 8) COPY netgate.tcl ke eggdrop/scripts lalu EDIT eggdrop.conf 8) Type ./eggdrop -m NETGATE cMd LIsT. RuNNINg WiTH Egg v1.6.13 PoWERED BY NETGATE t.c[L]8.9 MSg..! auth authenticate user deauth deauthenticate user pass set password passwd change user password userlist userlist op <#> op someone deop <#> deop someone voice <#> voice someone devoice <#> devoice someone kick <#> kick someone kickban <#> kickban someone identify identify to nickserv someone access join <#> joining #channel temporary part <#> part #channels logo changing text logo on kick message vhost changing vhost away set bot away message admin set bot admin on status memo send memo to all user or one user bantime auto unban on X minutes (0 never unban) logchan <#|0FF> log #channel WARNING!! it will degrease bot performance .log show #channel log note. please increase on general - window buffer into 5000 +chan <#> joining permanent #channel botnick changing permanent bot primary nick botaltnick changing permanent bot alternate nick realname changing permanent bot realname ident changing permanent bot ident die kill bot #PuBLIC MSg..! `up op your self `down deop your self `op/+o op spesified nick `deop/-o deop spesified nick `voice/+v voice spesified nick `devoice/-v devoice spesified nick `kick kick spesified nick `kickban kickban spesified nick `mode <+/- settings> mode setting #channel `ping / pong ping your self `invite invite person to current #channel `banlist <#channel> list of banned from specified <#channel> `ban banned nick or hostmask `unban <#> unbanned nick or hostmask `+chan <#> joining permanent #channel `channels list of channel who's bot sit on `userlist list of user `chaninfo <#> list of option for specified #channel `join <#> joining #channel temporary `part <#> part specified #channel `cycle <#> cycle on specified #channel `+/- cycle <#|all> enable/disable bot cycle every 15 minutes `+/- ignore ignore or unignore person `+/- status <#> enable/disable bot displaying status `+/- enforceban <#> enable/disable bot enforcebans `+/- autovoice enable/disable channel autovoice on join `+/- seen <#> activate/deactive seen on # `+/- guard <#|all> enable/disable bot guard `+/- master add/del from master list `+/- avoice add/del from avoice list `+/- friend add/del from friend list `+/- ipguard add/del host from ipguard list `+/- akick add/del host from kick list `+/- noop add/del from no-op list `topic change channel topic `status status system `servers servers bot currently running `jump push bot to use spec server `access see user access from spec flags `+/- forced force bot to set mode w/o kick 1st `+/- colour enable/disable colour on kick msg `+/- greet autogreet user on join %n nick %c channel `+/- repeat max repeat user permitted `+/- text char limited text length on channel `+/- limit limited user on channel `+/- caps <%> max %percent upper text `+/- clone enable/disable bot anti clones `+/- reop auto re@p bot when got de@p `+/- joinpart kick user join part in past X 2nd `+/- spam scanning for spam `+/- massjoin preventing mass join lame `+/- key set channel with key `+/- revenge enable/disable bot revenge `+/- badword add/remove badword from list `badwords list of badwords `nobot scanning for bot and kick them out `sdeop <#> bot self deop `chanmode # <+ntmcilk 1> set permanent mode for specified # `chanset <#> set # options `chansetall