#-------------------------------------------------------- # # !Dns Version 3.1 # Scripted by I_strike # # # !dns # !User@host # !dnsnick # !amsg # # You can chat with me on #egg-world from Undernet # ( /server quebec.qu.ca.undernet.org ) # #------------------------------------------------------- # SET THE CHARACTER THAT WILL BE USED BEFORE PUBLIC QUERRIES # EXAMPLE: "#" => #seen, #op .... DEFAULT: "!" set dnshost(cmdchar) "!" #-----------------please don't CHANGE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING LINES---------------------- bind pub - [string trim $dnshost(cmdchar)]dns dns:res bind pub n|n [string trim $dnshost(cmdchar)]amsg pub:amsg bind pub - [string trim $dnshost(cmdchar)]User@host pub:host bind pub - [string trim $dnshost(cmdchar)]version pub:ver bind pub - [string trim $dnshost(cmdchar)]dnsnick dns:nick bind raw * 311 raw:host bind raw * 401 raw:fail set dns_chan "" set dns_host "" set dns_nick "" set dns_bynick "" proc pub:host {nick uhost hand chan arg} { global dns_chan set dns_chan "$chan" putserv "WHOIS [lindex $arg 0]" } proc raw:host {from signal arg} { global dns_chan dns_nick dns_host dns_bynick set dns_nick "[lindex $arg 1]" set dns_host "*!*[lindex $arg 2]@[lindex $arg 3]" foreach dns_say $dns_chan { puthelp "PRIVMSG $dns_say :The User@host of \037\002$dns_nick\017 is \037\002$dns_host\017 ." } if {$dns_bynick == "oui"} { set hostip [split [lindex $arg 3] ] dnslookup $hostip resolve_rep $dns_chan $hostip set dns_bynick "non" } } proc raw:fail {from signal arg} { global dns_chan set arg "[lindex $arg 1]" foreach dns_say $dns_chan { puthelp "PRIVMSG $dns_say :\037\002$arg\017: No such nick." } } proc pub:ver {nick uhost hand chan text} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan : Dns Resolver 3.1 by I_strike" } proc dns:res {nick uhost hand chan text} { if {$text == ""} { puthelp "privmsg $chan :Syntax: [string trim $dnshost(cmdchar)]dns " } else { set hostip [split $text] dnslookup $hostip resolve_rep $chan $hostip } } proc dns:nick {nick uhost hand chan arg} { global dns_chan dns_bynick dnshost if {$arg == ""} { puthelp "privmsg $chan :Syntax: [string trim $dnshost(cmdchar)]dnsnick " } else { set dns_chan "$chan" set dns_bynick "oui" putserv "WHOIS [lindex $arg 0]" } } proc resolve_rep {ip host status chan hostip} { if {!$status} { puthelp "privmsg $chan :Unable to resolve \037\002$hostip\017 ." } elseif {[regexp -nocase -- $ip $hostip]} { puthelp "privmsg $chan :Resolved \037\002$ip\017 to \037\002$host\017 ." } else { puthelp "privmsg $chan :Resolved \037\002$host\017 to \037\002$ip\017 ." } } putlog "Dns Resolver 3.1 by I_strike Loaded"