Dawn Summers
"Born" : 2000
Key relationships: Sister to Buffy, friend of Willow. Has major crush on Xander.
Powers: Her blood can open the Hell dimensions.
Current status: She is in Sunnydale with the Scooby Gang watching over her.
Before Dawn was "born" she was an energy key. She was a key that could open other dimensions and destroy reality. Monks took part of Buffy Summers spirit energy  and used it to transform the key into a human so the Demon Glory wouldn't reach it and use it. Buffy was not aware of this until she remembered in a vision that she never really had a sister. Dawn was also unaware that she was a "key" until she overheard Giles, Joyce and Buffy talking about her. After she found out that she was the key, Dawn became suicidal and she cut her wrists. Buffy saved her just in time and she was able to convince her that she loved her even if she was not her real sister. Dawn was captured by Glory's goons after that and they used her blood to open the hell dimensions. Buffy closed the Hell portals by dying.
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