City Of
City Of is the pilot episode of Angel. In City Of Angel meets Doyle, a Irish Demon, and he is reunited with Cordelia. Doyle tells Angel that he (Angel,) has to get to know the people he saves or he won't be able to truly redeem himself. Angel tries to reach out to Tina, a girl that is being stalked by a wealthy Vampire, but she is scared off after she sees his vamp face. Angel doesn't save Tina but he does destroy the wealthy Vampire in the end. City of is one of my favorite Angel episodes because it is a straightforward, action episode that doesn't drag in any parts. It gets to the point quickly without sacrificing on dialogue or acting and it really sets the standard for the Angel episodes after that. It is also cool because we meet Doyle for the first time.

Doyle is much missed.
Hosted by