QAD MFG/Pro Compile Utility
  As an application programmer for MFG/Pro I have had to compile many times.  MFG/Pro has its own set of rules for where object code should be stored and how the PROPATH is defined so the object code is found when it is required to run.  MFG does not have all object code directories in the PROPATH, instead the application knowns where the object code is based upon the language defined (i.e. US) and the first two letters of the program name.  This saves time searching through directories and also alleviated limitations in the directory size of older systems.
   I have tried to make this program as flexible and configurable as possible.  It will create directories as needed.  You can compile a single file, a whole directory or a list of programs.  The program requires, like MFG, that programs use a .p, .w, or .t extension.  You can log compile output results and only check syntax if desired.  By default, a trigger (.t file) will go into the
triggers directory.  Where-as all other programs go to one of 3 places: the root, language, or XX directory.  The root and language lists are used to do the placement.
   It will run in GUI and CHUI environments without using the GUI converter provided by QAD.  I have two versions of the program, mycomp and mymfgcomp.  The first one can be run from the editor when not logged into MFG/Pro.  The second has the necessary MFG/Pro include files so it can be added to and run from the MFG menu.  This program was written on Progress 8.3D, but I has used it Progress 9.1C too.  It works for MFG/Pro 9.0 and eB, the only difference being that eB needed more programs added to the
root and language lists I have included.  This should work for older MFG/Pro versions too.
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