Computer Algebra Systems

Lasers, General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics











The symbolic and numerical computations by means of the computer algebra systems not only simplify the work of scientist or engineer, but open the door in the kingdom of "alive mathematics". In this kingdom the "naked truths" are supplemented with the ways to every result and achievement. Every formula lives by own life and can reproduce itself at any time. Moreover, the logic design in symbolic computations, as a rule, allows to look at a subject from the new side and to achieve a deeper understanding.

Here I present my Maple and Mathematica programs, articles and useful links on the laser physics, the general relativity, the cosmology and the quantum mechanics. The content of this site is under constant evolution and I suppose to broaden the considered topics and methods. The presented resources have not only scientific but also pedagogical trend.

Dr. Vladimir L. Kalashnikov

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This is visit since 1 July 2000




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