George Sarah
"Probably my favorite album in months."
- Luis Caballero of Thousand Words (about Adagio)

"See T.H.C.'s live show for greater intensity if you dare, when they are
accompanied by members of the L.A. Philharmonic Orchestra."
- Stacy Meyn of Xlr8r

"The content of this disc is expertly produced and has some of the best
electronic compositions that have infiltrated the darkside in ages."
- Skippy Longstocking of Outburn (about Adagio)

"So far this is the best trip hop/drum n' bass band to send me anything."
- NO-FI Magazine (about Adagio)

"Sometimes it's trancy, sometimes it's classicoid, sometimes it's like
the post-suicide soundtrack to some French art film, but the music
George Sarah has been making for the last couple of years always has craft."
- Greg Burk at LA Weekly

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