Huntress            Oracle            Dinah                  
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Ashley Scott as Huntress

Ashley Scott
as Helena Kyle/Huntress
The product of the ill-fated attraction between Catwoman and Batman, the latter went years without learning of his daughters existence. It was not until Catwoman, known to her daughter as Selena Kyle, was murdered by a henchman of the Joker, that Bruce Wayne learned of Helena. Soon after Wayne went into a self-imposed exile, leaving a young Helena in the care of his protégé, Batgirl, also known as Barbara Gordon. Using a clocktower as their base of operations, the two operate as Gotham's protectors, Huntress and Oracle.
    Huntress his half meta-human, and pocesses her mother's cat-like agility. Huntress is also forming a curious relationship with Gotham PD Detective Jesse Reese, who suspected there were meta-humans for years, and has just begun to see his therories realized though his encounters with Helena.

Dina Meyer as Oracle Dina Meyer
as Barbara Gordon/Oracle

Barbara Gordon once fought for justice alongside Batman, until she was confronted by the Joker, who shot and paralyzed her from the waist down. Barbara now fights crime as the wheelchair bound Oracle, who, along with Huntress, protects the denizens of New Gotham from all forms of evil.
    Barbara, who took in Helena following the murder of her mother, has now taken young Dinah Lance, a runaway who had visions of Barbara and Helena years before. Barbara has a day job as a teacher at New Gotham High, where she and fellow teacher Wade Brixton have struck up a courtship.

Rachel Skarsten as Dinah Rachel Skarsten
as Dinah Lance-Redmond

A meta-human with the ability to "see" things, by coming into contact with a person, Dinah had visions of Barbara's shooting, and the death of Catwoman years ago, and when her foster family were going to have an operation performed to rid her of her gifts, Dinah ran away from home. Arriving in New Gotham, Dinah was attacked, and rescued by Huntress, who she followed back to the clocktower. Dinah was allowed to stay, and occasionally helps Barbara and Helena out on cases. She attends New Gotham High School, where Barbara is an English teacher.

Shemar Moore as Reese Shemar Moore
as Det. Jesse Reese

One of the few honest cops on the New Gotham police force, Jesse Reese began as a skeptic towards the growing meta-human population, but through his encounters with the Huntress he slowly began to believe that there was more to New Gotham than meets the eye. Reese learned about Batman through a colleague on the force. Despite his honest and hardworking edge, Reese is the son of New Gotham crime boss Al Hawke, which brings the good cop into deadly conflict with his dishonorable father.

Ian Abercromie as Alfred Ian Abercromie
as Alfred Pennyworth

Alfred Pennyworth was the butler to the Wayne family, and following the murders of Thomas and Martha Wayne, he raised young Bruce. When Bruce became Batman to avenge his parent's deaths, Alfred was by his side, serving as a balance to Bruce, so he wouldn't completely go over the edge. When Catwoman was murdered, and Batman left Gotham, Alfred found himself without someone to fuss over (in his own words, there's so little to do at the manor), so he serves as an ally of the Birds, helping them out, offering advice and preparing meals when they forget to.

Mia Sara as Harley Quinn Mia Sara
as Dr. Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn

Years ago, when the Joker was the clown prince of crime in Gotham City, Harley Quinn was by his side, as both his right-hand and lady love. When Batman defeated Joker and sent him off to prison, Harley went mad, and now, years later, she secretly plans a return to the Joker's rule. With her army of meta-human henchmen, Harley is striking at the forces of good, while actually helping Helena in her day job as psychiatrist, Dr. Harleen Quinzel.


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