CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION SYSRECOMP /************************************************************* ************************************************************* ************************************************************* ************************************************************* A More Sophisticated Recompile Utility Written BY Solomon Yakobson, The code FOR this utility IS also available IN the syrecomp.sp FILE. Browsing through Useful PL/SQL Code published IN 1/26 - NEW Code ARCHIVE I noticed the Program Recompilation utility. Program description tells us that "this procedure will sweep through the ALL_OBJECTS catalogue for any INVALID stored programs and use the DBMS_DDL.ALTER_COMPILE built-in to recompile that program. It makes sure that package specifications are compiled before their package bodies -- and it only recompiles specs when explicitly needed". There are several issues, IN my opinion, related TO the code. 1. Data DICTIONARY VIEW ALL_OBJECTS LISTS objects accessible TO the USER. This means Recompilation utility can ONLY Recompile objects accessible TO stored program owner (assuming that owner has ALTER ANY PROCEDURE privilege). IF you DO NOT realize that AND CREATE Recompilation utility UNDER USER who does NOT see ALL stored procedures/functions/packages USING % could be misleading. IF you issue EXEC Recompile TO Recompile ALL your invalid stored procedures/functions/packages, but Recompilation utility owner does NOT see SOME OF them via HIS all_objects you will get PL/SQL PROCEDURE successfully completed WHILE NOT ALL the objects are recompiled. I think ALL_OBJECTS should be replaced BY DBA_OBJECTS. 2. Although USING DBMS_DDL IS more convenient THAN DBMS_SQL, it does NOT allow recompiling TRIGGERS AND VIEWS. USING DBMS_SQL would widen Recompilation utility usability. 3. Now most important. Recompilation utility DOES NOT CONSIDER OBJECT DEPENDENCY (EXCEPT PACKAGE BODY TO its OWN PACKAGE specification). Assume PACKAGE PKG1 depends ON a FUNCTION F1. Assume F1 AND therefore PKG1 are invalid. THEN EXEC Recompile will Recompile PKG1 first AND F1 second. AS a result PKG1 status will remain invalid. This means you possibly need TO RUN Recompilation utility multiple times. Below IS my Recompile utility I am USING quite often. Patching AND upgrading Oracle Financials leaves behind invalid objects once IN a WHILE. This utility will Recompile your request IN right dependency ORDER. It also will tell you what IS object status AFTER recompilation. IF object TYPE IS NOT recompilable you will see a message AND a corresponding bit IN FUNCTION RETURN value IS SET TO one. Same thing happens WHEN you are requesting TO Recompile an object REFERENCING an invalid object outside OF your request (therefore recompiling your object will NOT make it valid). IN both cases utility will proceed TO NEXT object: ************************************************************* ************************************************************* **************************************************************/ ( o_owner IN VARCHAR2 := USER ,o_name IN VARCHAR2 := '%' ,o_type IN VARCHAR2 := '%' ,o_status IN VARCHAR2 := 'INVALID' ) RETURN NUMBER IS -- Return Codes invalid_type CONSTANT INTEGER := 1; invalid_parent CONSTANT INTEGER := 2; cnt NUMBER; dyncur INTEGER; type_status INTEGER := 0; parent_status INTEGER := 0; object_status VARCHAR2 (30); CURSOR invalid_parent_cursor ( oowner VARCHAR2 ,oname VARCHAR2 ,otype VARCHAR2 ,ostatus VARCHAR2 ,OID NUMBER ) IS SELECT /*+ RULE */ o.object_id FROM public_dependency d ,dba_objects o WHERE d.object_id = OID AND o.object_id = d.referenced_object_id AND o.status != 'VALID' MINUS SELECT /*+ RULE */ object_id FROM dba_objects WHERE owner LIKE UPPER (oowner) AND object_name LIKE UPPER (oname) AND object_type LIKE UPPER (otype) AND status LIKE UPPER (ostatus); CURSOR recompile_cursor ( OID NUMBER ) IS SELECT /*+ RULE */ 'ALTER ' || DECODE (object_type, 'PACKAGE BODY', 'PACKAGE', object_type) || ' ' || owner || '.' || object_name || ' COMPILE ' || DECODE (object_type, 'PACKAGE BODY', ' BODY', '') stmt ,object_type ,owner ,object_name FROM dba_objects WHERE object_id = OID; recompile_record recompile_cursor%ROWTYPE; CURSOR obj_cursor ( oowner VARCHAR2 ,oname VARCHAR2 ,otype VARCHAR2 ,ostatus VARCHAR2 ) IS SELECT /*+ RULE */ MAX (LEVEL) dlevel ,object_id FROM sys.public_dependency START WITH object_id IN (SELECT object_id FROM dba_objects WHERE owner LIKE UPPER (oowner) AND object_name LIKE UPPER (oname) AND object_type LIKE UPPER (otype) AND status LIKE UPPER (ostatus)) CONNECT BY object_id = PRIOR referenced_object_id GROUP BY object_id HAVING MIN (LEVEL) = 1 ORDER BY dlevel DESC; CURSOR status_cursor ( OID NUMBER ) IS SELECT /*+ RULE */ status FROM dba_objects WHERE object_id = OID; BEGIN -- Recompile requested objects based on their dependency levels. DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (CHR (0)); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (' RECOMPILING OBJECTS'); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (CHR (0)); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( ' Object Owner is ' || o_owner ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( ' Object Name is ' || o_name ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( ' Object Type is ' || o_type ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( ' Object Status is ' || o_status ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (CHR (0)); dyncur := DBMS_SQL.open_cursor; FOR obj_record IN obj_cursor (o_owner, o_name, o_type, o_status) LOOP OPEN recompile_cursor (obj_record.object_id); FETCH recompile_cursor INTO recompile_record; CLOSE recompile_cursor; -- We can recompile only Functions, Packages, Package Bodies, -- Procedures, Triggers and Views. IF recompile_record.object_type IN ('FUNCTION', 'PACKAGE', 'PACKAGE BODY', 'PROCEDURE', 'TRIGGER', 'VIEW') THEN -- There is no sense to recompile an object that depends on -- invalid objects outside of the current recompile request. OPEN invalid_parent_cursor ( o_owner ,o_name ,o_type ,o_status ,obj_record.object_id ); FETCH invalid_parent_cursor INTO cnt; IF invalid_parent_cursor%NOTFOUND THEN -- Recompile object. DBMS_SQL.parse (dyncur, recompile_record.stmt, DBMS_SQL.native); cnt := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE (dyncur); OPEN status_cursor (obj_record.object_id); FETCH status_cursor INTO object_status; CLOSE status_cursor; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( recompile_record.object_type || ' ' || recompile_record.owner || '.' || recompile_record.object_name || ' is recompiled. Object status is ' || object_status || '.' ); ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( recompile_record.object_type || ' ' || recompile_record.owner || '.' || recompile_record.object_name || ' references invalid object(s)' || ' outside of this request.' ); parent_status := invalid_parent; END IF; CLOSE invalid_parent_cursor; ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( recompile_record.owner || '.' || recompile_record.object_name || ' is a ' || recompile_record.object_type || ' and can not be recompiled.' ); type_status := invalid_type; END IF; END LOOP; DBMS_SQL.close_cursor (dyncur); RETURN type_status + parent_status; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF obj_cursor%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE obj_cursor; END IF; IF recompile_cursor%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE recompile_cursor; END IF; IF invalid_parent_cursor%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE invalid_parent_cursor; END IF; IF status_cursor%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE status_cursor; END IF; IF DBMS_SQL.is_open (dyncur) THEN DBMS_SQL.close_cursor (dyncur); END IF; RAISE; END; /