Orpheus, son of Apollo, play his lyre in this GuestBook to attract the good vibrations and influences of the divinities to propose The Prophesy and The Healing at:

To reach the highest potential of your life

Obatesi - 06/06/00 00:39:42
My Email:[email protected]

Peggy. Todo tiene su precio.
Nadie tira perlas a los cerdos.
El conocimiento requiere sacrificio; el sacrificio de conocer tu destino es bien economico si tienes que invertir solo US$. No te parece mejor que cosechar un saco de caracoles en la orilla del mar para pagar el derecho de un ebo para salvarte de una desgracia??

Naty Alvares. - 03/09/00 20:59:38
My Email:[email protected]

Does someone like me?

iyawocarol - 12/26/99 07:34:57
My Email:[email protected]

this web page is interesting if you have any other information please let me know.

Valentin Mota A. - 12/10/99 03:18:31
My Email:[email protected]


Peggy Boyle - 10/26/99 17:39:47
My Email:[email protected]

Me parece increible que se den el lujo de aconsejar y hablar sobre la evolucion de la materia y que digan que van ayudar a las personas con tan solo enviar US$ Ustedes saben muy bien que la ayuda al projimo es algo que se hace sin costo alguno. No abusen de la gente sacandole dinero por internet, y ya saben que si lo siguen haciendo su Kharma ira en aumento. Gracias.

Max Payne - 09/07/99 12:45:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Dome/1443
My Email:[email protected]

This page isn't very good!

Estrella - 04/11/99 17:04:26
My Email:[email protected]

Gracias por la informacion. Si existe alguna manera de recibir mas inf. agradeceria la envien a mi E-Mail.

Estrella - 04/11/99 16:59:07
My Email:Marielysf


Mitchell - 01/17/99 23:34:12
My Email:[email protected]

nSala Malecum, Malecum nSala Tata David, Greetings and my thanks and appreciation for this site and your prophetic insights. They correspond completely with the indepth readings that I have undergone in the past in Santos either with a Babalawo using the Opele or the Ikin or thru a italero using the shells of the Orisha. Again my thanks for enlarging upon that and encouraging me to spend more time at my boveda for the evolution of a ancestor. The direction that was posted was of great depth and knowledge, I am very impressed. nSala Malecum, Mitchell

Timothy Wayne Winebarger - 11/08/98 04:55:36
My Email:[email protected]

Thank you for your help in the spring, had it not been for your pointing my attention of losing a family member thru prophesy I would have not had the 2 or 3 week notice to spend some final time with my 33 year old brother, I am very grateful for that eve though his death was a total shock to all, I was given some possibility by you and your guidance I will always remember. Thanks for all you did and do for myself and others like me. Blessings Timothy

10/26/98 11:13:24
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

- 10/22/98 01:18:26


Isabelle Boyd - 10/22/98 01:15:54
My Email:madrina


[email protected] - 10/20/98 19:23:22

very good. It makes me happy to see such work

MoonChild - 10/18/98 20:13:39
My Email:[email protected]

hello. i am the moonchild. i am born and from african but my roots are not from here. i see many pages, africana african, africa, - and they led me here. however, i have no idea what this thing is all about. i am not ignorant about the ways of karma or my destiny. but i would love to know what exactly your page is about. i'm not talking about the enlightenment of people with regards to the divine power that exists. i'm talking about other aspects. i will go on searching, and will maybe find out, if not when i read your reply. fly high moonchild

Cindy - 09/25/98 08:29:38
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
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comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Lorenzo Tarantini - 09/10/98 21:55:38
My Email:[email protected]

Muchas gracias por su ayuda

Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 08:43:04
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
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Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Julia - 04/21/98 16:49:39
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/p/r/0/pr0serpina.html
My Email:[email protected]

Neat page! I like the design and what it has to say. It's neat that it's in Spanish as well.

OracleWeb Editor - 04/12/98 18:17:12
My Email:[email protected]

Programation language: imputs recognized by a Reality. Each culture have his programation language. Our culture know for His Name each one of the Divinities that manifeste it into Nature; have a key of imputs to enter in these dimensions of the kosmic en rgy.

carlos jos� le�n aguilar - 04/10/98 21:34:45
My URL:http://www.angelfire.cpm/ca/Larafagadeltodero
My Email:[email protected]

I don�t read the book yet I though that this was about the programation lenguaje ORACLE. Wahtever I send my numbers and my data. Congratulations

OracleWeb Editor - 04/10/98 00:49:09
My Email:[email protected]

Thanks Lord Nacho. Your praise is an Award. Thanks again.

AfricaniasOnline Editor - 04/01/98 18:56:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/5070
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To Lord Nacho.
Into literature Fantasy is a fly of Imagination. All is energy in Reality. The Knowledge of each one of the energies that rule the spirit in transit for the realm of Gaia is not a fantasy.
Visit us and you see the dimension of this knowledge.

Lord Nacho - 03/27/98 18:43:57
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~LordNacho
My Email:[email protected]

I, being a member of the fantasy pod, praise this page for its use of fantasy literature.

Timothy W. Winebarger - 03/02/98 23:52:09
My Email:[email protected]

Thank you for the priviledge of being able to consult the oracle and all your efforts in providing such a wonderful tool for our growth. It is my wish to find my greatest and highest good, whether my mind likes it or not, I would like the truth, I've searched so long for. Be it whatever it will be. Thanks again!

- 02/15/98 20:46:54


Naarmur - 12/24/97 09:46:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/5599/
My Email:[email protected]

Very interesting site for the comprehension of the Intelligent Energies which rule the evolution of Spirit into Matter.

Gary Marcos - 12/03/97 17:39:57
My URL:http://www.slip.net/~cabadguy
My Email:[email protected]

Great Site!

AsesorHispano - 11/10/97 12:12:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Plaza/6373
My Email:AsesorHispano

Magnifica pagina.

Realmente no esperaba que pudiera ser tan acertiva la interpretacion con la poca informacion que tuve que proveer...es sorprendente. Como lo hacen?

Me gustaria poder obtener mas informacion del sistema oracular. Hay algun material que la provea y este accesible? Saludos y que sigan cosechando buenas semillas.

OracleWeb - 11/01/97 18:51:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/1043
My Email:OracleWeb

To Iya L'Orisha Aboyade:

Thanks for your offering and your advice, it's really appreciated and welcome.

The virtue that offer the differents levels of initiation in the diverses traditions of The Knowledge, is to listen The Divinities that manifest it between The Worlds to potentiate with his vibrations The Sacred Fire that burn the matter in transit by the realm of Gaea to harmonize and to improve The Destiny.

This should be our humble service as priest/ess of the oracular wisdom.


Iya L'Orisha Aboyade - 10/31/97 18:26:46
My Email:[email protected]

Thank you much for your insightfulness through your reading. It is always interesting to see how truth will show itself wherever. I wish you much luck in your endeavor. If there is anything I can do to help you, please let me know. Please be careful, though, that you do not burn yourself out in doing these type of readings. Much thanx, again. Soyini (Iya L'Orisha Aboyade)

SAMUEL LOPEZ - 10/30/97 06:09:46
My Email:[email protected]


Robin - 10/19/97 23:35:04
My URL:http://www.siedschlag.com/robin/rds81.html
My Email:[email protected]

Very nice page; I was visitor #90, coming in from What's New Too~

OracleWeb - 10/17/97 18:45:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/1043
My Email:OracleWeb


Your personal power is directly related with the vibratory connection between you and the divinity asigned to protect your being.

To reach the maximum potencial is necessary to evolve the karma of anterior incarnations and ancestors energies that restrict it and to purify the body of entities without evolution of the realm of Hades or bad influences that parasite it.

In most of the cases to submit the body to the secrets rituals of bioenergetic technology wellknown by the priesthood of the oracular wisdom propose the evolution to more highs levels of energy and a better connection with the divinity. This rituals imply harmonization of the body through the consecration of stones, waters and other forms of matter of Gaea that have affinity with the body energy.

Claire - 10/16/97 17:45:58
My Email:[email protected]

How I can improve my relation with the God that protect me to increase my personal power?

OracleWeb - 10/13/97 12:39:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/1043
My Email:Munanso

Confirmation. The first manifestation of blessing procceed of the ancestors. Thanks.

InquiceWeb - 10/12/97 23:22:52
My URL:http://members.aol.com/inquiceweb
My Email:[email protected]

Yo so muy feliz esta mirando al este pagina web. Gracias mil y bendiciones. Nsala Malecum, InquiceWeb

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