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[Metal Gear Solid]

NEW UPDATE-9/09/02 5:27pm PST
It's about a couple days before a year has passed since the tragic crashes of the twin towers... *A moment of silence and prayer goes out to the victims of that horriable fate.*
As of late, I have been looking for some new employment in my area, but to no avail. So, I'm going to redo this site since I feel like dusting it off, maybe start anew or just adding features. Only the future can tell what today will bring.
Now I wish to do FAQs based on what I like... But I will take requests of what I have first. Ok people? Well, here goes my list...

    Final Fantasy 4
    Final Fantasy 5
    Final Fantasy 6
    Final Fantasy 7
    Final Fantasy 8
    Final Fantasy 9
    Final Fantasy 10
    Saga Frontier
    Saga Frontier 2
    Final Fantasy Tactics
    Dragon Warrior 7
    Dragon Warrior 1&2
    Dragon Warrior 3
    Dragon Warrior Monsters
    Dragon Warrior Monsters 2
    Robopon: Cross Version
    Shining in the Darkness
    Grandia 2
    Shining the Holy Ark
    Golden Sun
    King's Field
    King's Field 2
    Tales of Destiny II
    Azure Dreams
    Shining Force 1
    Shining Force 2
    Shining Force 3
I know I have more out there, I just have to find them in the mess I call my room.

Previous UPDATE-8/02/02 11:30am
Well, I should update this site with my FAQs and thoughts n such. Even though I don't get any feedback from anybody just yet.. perhaps I should look at a guestbook or something. Other than that I've been messing around with Warcraft III and Worldcraft for TFC maps. Heck, maybe I should try to do a mod!? "Well enough talk! Have at you!" - Draclua from Castlevaina: Symphony of the night.

Previous UPDATE-1/16/02 3:58pm
I have some free time so I might as well start to get things back and up to a good working order. It's hard sometimes to go back to things one has left untouched for a while. Especially if it was almost a year. Things and people change. Just remember that. But a little more on what I have done that has been... "Game Related" I've started up FAQs for Dragon Warrior 3 for the Gameboy Color and yes it has to do with Monsters, but better off what one can steal from them. I'm now beginning with Breath of Fire and Golden Sun. More for Golden Sun right at this moment. Now lastly on my mind... I think I will start to make an alphabetical version of my Breath of Fire 3 FAQ. Which would be good since I did add stuff to it, but I'm not sure if GameFAQs ever updated it way back in the day. And probably a web page version as well! Woo Hoo.

Old Update-4/26/01 7:58pm
Just working out the new html files which I have uploaded onto the site. It's basically part of my senior project which involves a game being programmed and I'm part of the web site scene. Hope it is good! Here is the link to the main page. Bob 2.0

A little about this site, if you haven't been here before...:

When I first started this site, back in '98 early '99, it was because I made a monster FAQ for Breath of Fire 3(If you haven't picked up a copy of this game, go ahead and do so, it should be $19.99 at your friendly Wal-Mart or something. The next little thing I did for the RPG community was making a Item/Weapon/Armor type of list for Star Ocean : The Second Story. I'm thinking of making all types of FAQs(mainly RPGish) and possibly tips, codes, yadda yadda. I've redone some of the lists and plan to UL them in a bit. Some of the links here don't work since my old site is running but I can't remember worth a damn how I can get back in there, so I didi the next best thing... and your reading it right now. But it's late in the day to complain... right?!?

[Dragon from Breath of Fire 3]

Here's something that I am working on Breath of Fire 3.
Breath of Fire 3 - Monster List
Updated on August 9, 1998

And if you need help on any RPG game, I would gladly help you out.

Here's some links that I have...
My Links.
Testing out a Flash file.

Here's some BOF3 pics that I have.
Some BOF3 Pics.Posted up on June 21, 1998

Here's what I am doing right now....
  1. Playing Final Fantasy 10 and Team Fortress Classic out of my mind... =)
  2. Doing a little rehashing to my BOF3 Monster list, and starting up a Koudelka Item FAQ... Hopefully
I'm thinking of a few things to "up" this site a bit... They are..
  1. I've got Diablo II:Lord of Destruction, and I've been running around in Hardcore on the USWest server just /msg (Janaak) if you wanna team up or something.
  2. Pics? Cheat codes non GameShark?
  3. Working on older RPGs and newer ones like:
    Robotrek, Final Fantasy 5 (Snes), CastleVania: Symphony of the Night, Shining in the Darkness, Albert Odyssey, Shining Force 1, 2, and 3, Persona, Azure Dreams, and whatever I have lying around in my closet... So this site would have a better selection of games to choose from!
  4. Stop buying/playing too many games at one time! Arrrrgh!
  5. To stop thinking and do it!
Let me know what you think about my page. I need some input on how this site should look like. Send mail by clicking this ~~~> [email protected].

[Dracula X][Jumpin' Bub][Jumpin' Rev Bub][Dracula X]

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PS This Site is still in development. Later!

Started on May 30, 1998
Whoa, it's almost been 4 years since I started on this web page... 1
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