Chicken Yakitori
Boneless and skinless chicken thighs
Bamboo skewers soaked in water.

Marinating liquid (see recipe)

Charcoal grill
Pan to keep raw chicken in.
Pan to keep hot marinade and cooked chicken in.
Platter to serve chicken in. You can use the first pan once it is washed out while the chicken is being cooked.
Prepare chicken by removing the fat and slicing it in thin at least one-inch wide strips. Marinate for a while or overnight.
Thread the chicken on the bamboo skewers and leave in marinade if possible before cooking.

Cook the chicken on high heat to sear it, turn once.and sear the other side. Put the cooked chicken in a stack in the hot marinade.

Serve hot if possible.
These are barbecued chicken skewers that can be eaten off the grill. But if there is a dinner, the chicken should be cooked and put on the table. To keep it hot, put them in hot cooked, strained marinade by the grill. Then transfer the skewers with a little  marinade to the table.
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