<BGSOUND SRC="snacks.wav">
Super Cheetos
My Adversaries
My Mission
Dorito Doom-- Thinks he is such a lady's man.  He can scare away the strongest Good guy with his horrible breath.  He belives that his "strength"  is what drives chiks crazy.

Frito Freak--  His name is pretty self explanitary.  He is  Freak and he likes Fritos.  He tries to be a 'good guy' but he gives friendly snackfoods a bad name.
     To supply everyone with the laughter caused by a little inside joke with the theme of cheetos.  Also to get everyone a giant monkey to sit on their shoulders.  Only pirates can have parots.  Super heros get monkeys.  And friends.  Lots of friends.  bwahahahahah.  ohh there goes the evil vilan laugh.  Note to self: find a new laugh. And fast.
A few thoughts and philosophies that I feel I need to express.  The first is love vs. co-dependancy.
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