Hotel Beneath Ground


Always Under Construction

Last update: 16 feb 2005


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Welcome to my small personal corner in the universe.

This will be a perfect place for me to store a lot of my creative excesses. See it as a small online museum of paintings and poems that proberly never make their way to a real museum. But they like a bit more light than they have now on my room walls or in a small notebook. Each of them mirror a moment in my life. Some a longer moment and others only a flake second of a thought or a feeling. Many of them are old already, made a few years ago, and reflect some less happier times. But others are fresh and new. And there will arrive newer ones too, I have no doubt of that.

I hope you will share some minutes of your time with me and have a look around. I also added some links to websites I find interesting, as well as a discography of albums I find very fascinating. As music is, together with painting and writing, one of the larger topics in my life. All together you proberly get a slight idea of me and my interests, and maybe you will even find some interesting thoughts within yourself. But that's a very large goal to be honest.

Please keep in mind that all the poems and paintings seen on this site are protected by copyright. So please don't just right-click a thing :)

If you have any comments on this page, and that can be about the lay-out, spelling ( English isn't my motherlanguage you know), or the artwork itself, all your comments are welcome.
Please e-mail me on
[email protected] or sign my guestbook.


Bright Blessings

~ Orange Jasmine ~


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I Believe (two faeries)

I believe in Faeries.


Proud to be an AIR faerie


Orange Jasmine 1994 - 2005






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