Let's see who was here!

bob shields - 10/10/00 22:38:26
Style of Martial Arts Studied (if any): isshin ryu
Rank: ni dan
good job on your site !

bob shields - 10/10/00 22:36:04

Denise Schaefer - 10/08/00 02:51:16
My Email:[email protected]
Style of Martial Arts Studied (if any): karate chop
Rank: superior
Favorite Martial Artist: Chris Tucker/Jackie Chan
I have to visit your mojo-dojo(whatever you call it.) I have seen karate kid 10 times. ralph machio is my hero. Jk-robert keep up the great work. real proud of ya.

Lynn - 10/06/00 18:03:08
My Email:[email protected]
Style of Martial Arts Studied (if any): none
Rank: none
Favorite Martial Artist: jackie chan
Robo, cool site man...wasssupp....keep the hip stuff happen..let's kick some ass~! Lookin Good-G..PS. I am so proud of you..where did u get the brains?

Johnny Turd - 10/05/00 18:43:25
My URL:http://www.cornuzine.com
My Email:[email protected]
Style of Martial Arts Studied (if any): Tae Kwan Do (when I was about ten)
Rank: yes, very.
Favorite Martial Artist: Bruce Lee
Nice lookin' page, Robzilla. I'll consider linking it on mine.

Jeremy Bertrand - 10/05/00 18:27:22
My Email:[email protected]
Style of Martial Arts Studied (if any): Isshin ryu
this is bad ill send you some stuff

Robert Shields - 10/05/00 06:41:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/orangecityisshinryu
My Email:[email protected]
Style of Martial Arts Studied (if any): Isshinryu Karate Do
Rank: Ni Dan
Favorite Martial Artist: Bruce Lee/Jackie Chan
This site is still just a baby. If any one has any suggestions, please email them to me at my email address.

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