this is some dedications page just for you all!(by register) i love you all!

a little on the quite side, but i remember how noisy you can be when u were sitting with eliz. i know u can talk more.:)

lili:really had fun doing idpw with you! but i think laugh too much? haha. and talk too fast.

winnie: yoyo! so crazy. and crappy. anyway, sitting with this GIRL now. sigh. :) crazy over jay and shes so into chinese music now. im getting influenced. HORNY!

pei san:
another one of those really cold jokers. really nice when we get to know you more. hao leng wor!

hoi ning:
the only things i can remember is her reading her comics during free times, and being good in chinese. =) and jap.

jessie: so hardworking. but seldom talk to you nowadays. talk to me! ni bu li wo. HMPH. haha. miss you so much! and hope u get high high high for Os. but i'll get better *evil laughs* and u still have to cut ur artery and last finger! i remember! miss ur constant mood swings( do u sit swings alot?) :)

brianna: dont talk to you much but your drawings are really nice(esp the idpw ones) wow. and smart too.

wen hui: haah, the mian fway person. smart, lame, ( oh yes u have legs!)MOKIA: disconnecting animals! i'll buy legphone from you ok?

jennifer: well, never talk much to you too but you are fun to be with, still rmb e time at chalet when u bai ka and i have to walk slow with u. lol.

alethea:i know i like to tease u lah, but u are nice! haha. but u abit loud arh. and quite crazy too. i wana see ur hp again.:)

jeri:only place i go with you is compass point nowadays. dont see much of you too. miss you so much! and u owe me letter for hALF a year liao! sun yanzi!!!!! lol.

karen:same class!haha. white girl. whiter than me can liao. maths is really good too. i dont miss you as much.:P

esther k: YO! see you in class everyday. nothing much to say  and i dont miss you that much.

celestine:nice doing idpw with u, haha,though u did like almost everything. that time me n winnie n our ducky song ... haaha. then u stare. -_-

clarrisa:YOYO!!(trying to make u noisy)so quiet! but nicey nice! don't really talk to you. but i miss your quietness too!

quiet and always whispering to cheryl EVERYDAY! thx for ur bit of help in chinese?!and your hair looks nicer straight by the way.

cheryl lee:never really talk to you but thanks for the help in chinese(telling me the story the other time).

ahh, so cold, im freezing now. haha. lamer n cold joker. wa. hen hao xiao arh! -_-" u cant walk liao. wheres your wheelchair?!

cindy:sitting in frnt of me now. another bu hao xiao person lah. kiam pa? well, still, fun to be with and siao siao with winnie about jay, esp ENERGY, 5566, etccccc

ting en:ahhh!i remember there was a time u keep on untying my shoelaces. sec 1 i think, really fun. wonder how u could stand winnie(sit her?). whiny sometimes.

: haha yang yang. good dancing and chinese. (well of course) and so fun, we're in the same class.
*2B'02 and 1B'01 dedications page two*
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