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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
i'll post pictures here. sign the guestbook yo.
if you steal some tell me foo.
hit me up on myspace
&& talk in the weird box thingy.
enjoy. =]

[talk wit me fools.]

i'll add pics to each section as i find more.
and send me some! look for updates.

spam up my

look more pictures and even more!
what do you know, more pictures!
[convention is the magic word]
MARCH 2006

march 3rd
xx lock-in [well, not really]

march 7th-10th
kansas trip [part 1]
kansas trip [part 2]
xx kansas trip [part 3]

MAY 2006

may 25
xx 8th grade dance

may 26
xx last day of school
xx ACO ice skating

JUNE 2006

june 4th-7th
xx orchestra camp

june 24th-27th
xx jr. beta convention

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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