jr. beta convention pictures.
remember to sign the guestbook.
once again, enjoy. =]

JUNE 24TH-27th

what to say, the trip was much much fun.
watched click, which was hilarious.
learned that adam has feet like voldemort.
and the raising 8th graders are fun people.
many interesting memories were made.
and i have a new found respect for those in the acedemic bowl.
i never knew charades could be so scary.
i've met knew sides of people.
and i shall forever praise the word duck!!

oh, our standings are as follows:
Nandini Sundar. - 2nd place - spelling
Helena Chern - 2nd place - talent
Academic Team - 1st place baby!!

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first pic in the van.

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aha. my hair's eating my face.

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entering the big comfy room.

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it apparently made me look naked?

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having fun before being moved to the crappy, cramped room.

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her hair. -laughs-

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we were tired, so we slept together. ;D

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empty parking lot!! at a mall!

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shane looks scared, josh is..o_0, and wesley looks like he'll stab you.

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adam and will! i love those two.

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finally, a picture of letitia!

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you can't see, but that is helena rocking the piano.

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me, helena, and her trophy!!

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we are cool.

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imfamous elevator.

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greg ray's buttocks.

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lunching it.

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break after winning first round.

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my awesome picture taking skills cutting off anirudh's haircut.
which didn't look bad but nooo he had to wear his stupid hat.

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me and the indianos!

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the amazing duo. ash and pikachu. brad and angelina. WILL AND JOSH!

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i have a new found respect for all these people.

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cingular raising the bar.

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emily, leafie, nandini, helena!

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wesley, the hairstylist.

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it's a heart.

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he's pretty...pretty EMO!

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adam and zee leaf.

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the many faces of anirudh sundaraghavan.

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anirudh: huh?
janak: i'm so cool.
kishore: i'll eat you.

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uhm, josh is eating the bed.

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i believe that's his sexy face..

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wesley's creation.

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the indianos watching their sports. -shakes head-

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the pool 'twas fun!

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anirudh's back and janak.
the indianos are so skinny!

canon balls video
all credit to leafie

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janak, me, and adam!

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so disturbing..
finger like toes. ahaha.

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again with the so disturbing.

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the deformed star.

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the charades party.

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william! is a beast at charades.

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shane! who is a beast at charades, but also attacked the peoples.

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the feet circle...what is that in the middle?

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eat that tater tot shane.

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do the milkshake.

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indiano table.

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'ello poppet.

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do the dew. aha.

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shane singing..is really very interesting.

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mahal kita.

beta trip was fun peoples.
don't forget the memories made.

<-- rewind

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