kansas part 3 yo.
remember to sign the guestbook.
once again, enjoy. =]

deron, sorry for spelling your name wrong
in the captions. extremely sorry bud.

MARCH 9th // 2:00pm

went to this art museum.
got split with the posse.
when we where looking at all the art harry being harry of course pointed out all the 'goobers'
we went to the gift shop where wes bought something of wizard of oz.
it was alright.

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sirang..in front of the big cock. ahaha.

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the whole group.

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tanya and the big budda

MARCH 9th // 5:30pm

ate at this ribs place, which was supposed to be all great and wonderful. but it really wasn't
the food wasn't the greatest thing every so i kinda ate off the food that was for nitya, neil, and lalit.
uh, met cool river trail people. kid named michael who held this jury thing at one of the tables. it was interesting.
we mangaged to hit the table 5 billion times knocking over the drinks a lot.
it was fun though.

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7th graders

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more of the 7th graders.
everyone's like mesmerized by the TV.

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look. it's seth. -gasp-
he has a lot of drinks around him..?

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the awesome 8th graders.
does it look like lalit's about to do something to jason. o0

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the michael kid and his jury.

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lalit..ironing. i laugh. ha.

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we watched this kansas orchestra play. whole group all dressyed up.

MARCH 10th // 9:00am

our last and final days in kansas city dawned upon us in the early morning.
we all grouped in the lobby area.
we were waiting to listen to northview.
they were really good.
uh.also made last and final visits to the famous excercise room and the balcony.

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megan is like smiling and happy while the two beside her look kinda scared. funny.

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again harry, we found your purse. jason just had to have it.

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peace out. a-town down

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me and angela!!
ignore my face and you have a beautiful picture.

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it's hutcheson..seth hutcheson.
and darren the sidekick.

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angela, jason, and me. angela moved. as you can tell.

MARCH 10th // 1:00pm

uh..ate at the same mall place as before. i ate at pretzel time.
the pretels looked extremely not appitizing, but i was actually not bad.
harry bought $26 and something cents worth of jellybeans.
departed to alpharetta after. -waves goodbye-
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harry and his jellybeans.
and neil wanting some.

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6th graders!!
two of which doc left in the hotel.

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hey look it's seth, katherine and me. wOOT!

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take me to the candy shop...

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megan and darren in the candy shop.
with the worker looking really pissed..

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OMFG!! page 93 of last year's yearbook. aha, kyle and jack.

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me and seth. omg seth, is that a smile i see.

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you eat that ice cream lalit.

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megan being happy with her food.

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yeah! asains and their chinese food. helena looks like shes poking her eyes.
and jason's face is like..there.

yeah so we left on the bus and it was a long long ride.
i was the last one up. wOOT wOOT!
it's funny watching people sleep. aha.
but anyway, we made some memories in the wonderful kansas city and they should never be forgotten.

that's all the kansas pics folks.

<-- rewind

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