alright, you finally have your aragorn layout. leave me alone now. if you want to use this layout on your homepage, copy all the code in the text bo below and paste it in the bottom of your page. another text space.

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- The sacred peace that has reigned over the land of Leoni for centuries is finally cracking as powers to the north and south push forward to claim what they think is a weakened nation. Reports come in daily telling of gathering troupes, of mounting numbers, of moving armies. The villages outside of the main city begin to brace their towns against attack, and the Gaurd begins to recruit younger and younger memebers. Everyone waits, huddled under a storm cloud that is soon to break and bring with it torrents of death and destruction

Do you join the fight?

Or do you return to your previous life and whatever deamons may wait you there....remember, wars spread. Your village could be next. -
Enter the Kingdom
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