~This is a new page for the RPG, but is still VERY important, it will be updated often with the notes I need to tell everyone for the game. If it is posted here it is please take a few minutes before you go to the boards and read what's here...thanks!~

* BIG NOTICE *  As you've noticed, there has been a huge revamping done to the game, and there is also a plot! I'm excited. Okay, so we are about to go to war with two sister sites (when they are ready I'll release the urls and the preliminary work of spying ect. will begin. This does not mean I need more knights, because mages, nobles, farmers and peasents all play a HUGE part in the "war" process. So, stay on your toes and check here often for when I release the urls of the two sites! 

All royalty posistions are open except Queen, and will be given out in the following fashion:
              2 princesses- email the Queen or Queen's own  w/ name/ stats and a                                   sample of your role  playing
              2 princes- same as princesses
              King- will be choosen by queen during game play
              4 duchesses/ 4 dukes- join in castle hall and put a note that you                                                         would like to hole one of these positions and if                                                they are not all taken you will recieve them.

Please remain active! I will be creating a member's page and if your character is not active for more than 2 weeks you will be deleted and will have to come up w/ a new character should you rejoin. If you are leaving because of a trip or family emergany please tell me on the suggestion board, and if you cannot tell me before hand and have a legitimate reason (because I was busy and forgot is not legit) e-mail me or the queen's own.

Should Orbs of Merlin have an Evil's section?
Should the forest have sections?
Should there be temples and/or chapels?

Please respond to these three questions on the suggestion boards or e-mail me. Thank you for keeping the game active and meeting the players needs! Check for updates soon! 

~Queen Amara Joseline, Owner 
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