Welcome To My Site.

Hello my name is Sandra and I live in Sophia NC.

Here on this site you will learn about Orb’s, and other Paranormal happens. Pictures on here are pictures that I have taken at different places. In some of the orb’s you can see faces!! "I have a blown up picture of the orbs with faces for easier viewing ".

I have always been facinated by the paranormal and things that are often unexplainable so now I can share some of these experiences with you!

Capturing Spirit Orbs
The best and most popular method for capturing images of the orbs is with a digital camera, this is possibly having something to do with the light sensitivity if the CCD (charged coupled devise) that digital cameras have, though some have been captured on 35mm film and on video as well. I believe that the spirit world wants to contact us as much as we want to contact them. We want to contact them so they will manifest at any opportunity. Therefore the spirit people will take advantage of any method of communication if it is appropriate and embrace our technology as a means of doing so. Also a very effective way to communicate with the spirit world is through the use of a Black Mirror. (Black Mirrors are also used to contact spirit guides, to access knowledge, for healing and self improvement, as a magical transmitter and receiver, for divining the past, present and the future, as a portal to the astral plane, for shamanic journeying, to improve visualization skills, and for ritual invocations and evocation.) If you are interested in buying a black mirror, and how to use it please contact me by emailing me at Sandra all of my mirrors are made with care and are already positively charged. And come with instructions on how to use them. Here are just a couple of my mirrors.

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©  2005  Tony Kalemba
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