STSF's Online Simulation Game
The Star Trek Simulation Forum online simulation game is a product of
www.stsf.net in conjunction with www.startrek.com and the Star Trek Corporation. This website is independent of the STSF, the Star Trek Corporation, Star Trek.com and Paramount Pictures. I, the author of this website, do not profit financially from this website. This website is only to display interest in Gene Rodenbarry's Star Trek Series, as well as to show off the artists work.
Game Information
STSF (Star Trek Simulation Forum) is an online Star Trek simulation role playing game. It is based around Gene Rodenbarry's Star Trek. The idea of the game is you start out as a Cadet in Starfleet Academy and work towards your post as an Ensign to a simulated star ship. But the game doesn't stop there. You move up the ranks to become a captain of a starship in the game and you can also become a general manager after a certain amount of time in the high ranks.  For more information on the chat based Star Trek simulation game, visit the STSF Website.
Dave's Game Character
My Game Character
Click on photos above to view character bios.
Challenger Sim
IKC Qob/Lakota Sim
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