Meet Organist925

I am organist925...and, as you have probably figured, I am an organist!
Playing the organ at church is only one aspect of my music ministry...I also direct a couple of youth choirs, accompany the adult choir and the teen choir, serve on Worship & Music Committee, and work closely with the Pastor to select appropriate music for worship services. I am also a member of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians. That is a photo of me playing the Moeller pipe organ on May 12, 2001.

In addition to my work at church, I also enjoy composing music, doing counted cross-stitch, reading, learning new things, and spending WAY too much time on the computer!

Another part of my life, which is not always so pleasant, is that I have Crohn's Disease. Dealing with Crohn's Disease and it's many symptoms and extra manifestations has left me unable to hold down a "real job", but it has not hindered my ability to be creative! My mind still works well even if my body doesn't want to function correctly!

If you are not familiar with Crohn's Disease, you can learn about it at the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America web site. I have also listed several other Crohn's Disease information links on the Favorite Links page of my site. Please stop back often as I will be continually up-dating this list.

Photo taken on 12/31/00

If you are visiting this page because you have Crohn's Disease and would like to meet others with this condition, please visit my Favorite Links Page for a list of message boards, publications, web sites, and support groups dealing with Crohn's Disease. If you'd like to 'talk' one-on-one, then please e-mail me.

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