Vampire: the Masquerade Creators: Mark Rein-Hagen with Steven C. Brown, Tom Dowd, Andrew Greenberg, Chris McDonough, Lisa Stevens, Josh Timbrook, Stweard Wieck.
New Edition Authors: Justin Achilli, Andrew Bates, Phil Brucato, Richard E. Dansky, Ed Hall, Robert Hatch, Michael B. Lee, Ian Lemke, Jim Moore, Ethan Skemp, Cynthia Summers.
Third Edition Developer: Robert Hatch
Editor: Cynthia Summers
Art Director: Lawrence Snelly with Richard Thomas
Publisher: White Wolf Game Studio (White Wolf Publishing Inc.)
These pages were created to give players chronicle ideas and some sources for inspiration. I am in no way responsible for the creation, art, or depiction of Vampire: the Masquerade and it's extensive library of rpg books. Those credits go to the awesome people on the right ----->
(as seen on pg. 18 of v:tm; copyrighted by the people above ^^;;)

Vampire: the Masquerade is a GAME. It's a game that requires imagination, effort, creativity and above all, maturity. Part of maturity is realizing that it is only a game and that the situations depicted in these pages are stricly imaginary. If you beat somebody at Monopoly, you don't go out and foreclose on their house. If you sink some's battleship, you don't do down to the Navy Yard and start throwing molotovs at the boats. The same principle appilies to any rpg or storytelling game.
In other words, you are not a vampire. When a game session ends, put away the books, pack away the dice, enjoy the rest of your life and let other people enjoy theirs.
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