Meet Your New Assistant!

Introducing Z-Tel's Personal Voice Assistant-- PVA!

The Personal Voice Assistant is a powerful, voice-activated calling and messaging service available only from Z-Tel that goes a long, long way toward solving the frustrations that most people have today over communicating with family, friends, co-workers and other associates amidst their on-the-go lifestyles.

Almost everyone you know these days uses at least two devices and services to communicate (typically three, and some people have more). People use home or business phones regularly, rely on their cell phones when they�re �on the go�, use PDAs and e-mail when it�s conveniently accessible.

With such a wide array of services and devices, we all end up with multiple �addresses,� making it increasingly difficult for people to connect with each other. With PVA, Z-Tel is introducing a powerful yet amazingly simple way to help people simplify their communications and their lives � using the sound of their voice. It�s cool, and equally important, it�s a powerful tool that will help you enhance your home or business.

PVA is revolutionary to telecommunications services in its ease of use and its ability to use the power of voice to simplify virtually any type of communication. They were named "Best New Technology" at the RetailVision(R) Fall 2003 event. And now, you can get Personal Voice Assistant as part of your own home telephone service or on a stand-alone basis. It will leave both you wondering how they lived without it. And you can only get it from Z-Tel.

The Power of PVA

PVA allows users to load contact information into a virtual address book, look up contact information from any phone, anywhere, anytime, make calls, send emails to individuals or entire distribution lists, all using the power of their own voice. It serves as a critical backup to devices everyone already uses, all for no upfront cost, savings from day one and technology that saves users frustration and time. Incredibly, PVA is included as a valuable benefit with Z-LineHOME service at no additional charge.
PVA comes with our Phone Service..
click here for details
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