The IC Laws
  • MUST be loyal & respect towards Leader Renzo
  • All thieves, scouts & slave/entertainment must respect the people higher then them
  • Thieves, Scouts and Commanders must respect and treat the slaves/entertainment equally. If they don't wanna do something that is their business and not yours. If you are having trouble with them, come and see me before punishing them. I will decide their fate, not you.
  • No Fighting with other thief groups or any other groups! Understand! I don't want any fights going on between each other. ONLY if the other groups start the fight first then we will attack back.
  • If you are caught we will deni anything we know about you or anything else. You are on your own if you are caught stealing or anything like that.
  • You may kiddnapp a girl to be a slave/entertainment, who must be older then 15 years old. But if you so dare harm her while your kiddnapping her, you will be punished!
  • I will give out the ranks, not you. Don't even try and ask for a higher rank or I'll move your rank to the lowest one. But you can bribe me if you wish, by any means possible
  • If you don't not follow these rules, you will be given a warning. Then if you keep on doing this, you will be given a second warning and sent to the waterfall. Where you will be laying there face first in the cold water, tied up for as long as I say you stay there. Someone will be there to watch over you until someone comes to take you back. If you do it AGAIN, then you will be banned from the group and if you should ever return. You will be killed on sight.

The OOC Rules
  • Literate Rpers, Only! I do not want anyone that can't spell or be a noobie.
  • No Autoing or God Moding
  • Respect & Be nice to everyone who is a member or not a member.
  • Do not use modern terms like "Dad" or "Hey".
  • Keep to a personality and play your character without any OOC(Out of character) knowledge.
  • Do not make perfect characters. Flaws make the rp more interesting.
  • Do not make very loud and large title pictures/banners its annoying. Neon green and loud hot pink font is just irritating. In addition, you may use anime type pictures but do not make them so busy that it's annoying to look at.
  • Do not plot or plan out anything OOC(Out Of Character)! Unless it is absolutely needed then its all right! Or if you go over with me and it pretains to the Oriel Thieves. But if not then it takes away the fun of the role play.
  • Also, keep everything that is IC(In Character).
  • You cannot have more than two characters in The Oriel Thieves. Also, you cannot play those characters at the same time in respect to Karchan's own regulations.
  • There cannot be a Oriel Thieves clan member in the Magii of the Inner Flame, Knights of Karchan or any other clans/groups. Which means that you must stay with the guild/group at all cost.
  • Any special traits, features, "powers", etc? must be checked by me, Renzo. Contact through Mudmail on Karchan or [email protected].
  • You cannot have your character leave The Oriel Thieves, once they are in. Doing so will result in the termination of your character because that character possesses knowledge about the group. As a player, however, you can end that character (not necessarily a death) and leave the group. But if you can not go back on that character or rejoined in that character. Once that character is gone, he/she is gone. No ifs, ands or buts.
  • And the most important rule of all is to Have Fun!!

I like to appoglize for stealing some, I SAID SOME, of the laws from the Kabile group. And I like to give attention that I took SOME OF THEM BECAUSE THEY WERE GOOD! I am sorry if I didn't ask, but now I will put up a link to them here to show my thanks.
Sham El Naseeen Kabile
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