Leader Renzo
Name: Renzo
Age: 18
Height: 5'11
Gender: Male
Status: Single
Slaves/Entertainment: Faye
Occupation: Leader of The Oriel Thieves
Appereance: What you see in the picture
Personality: He's strong minded. Doesn't take no for an answer. He is willing to risk his life for his own people of thieves. He is sort of a gentlemen but not that much. He thinks women as play toys and men as well. He would flirt with any woman or man he can get his hands on. He is also cunning, I guess thats why he is the best choice to be the leader.
History: His past is a mystery to everyone that tries to get to know. He doesn't talk about his parents that much, if the subject is ever brought up he tells anyone that they died trying to save him from another couple of thieves. He rarely tells the truth about anything about himself.
Strenghts: Strong minded, Great Leader, good with his thieving skills.
Weakness: Getting too cocky, blowing his mouth off, getting involded with one of his members and risking his life for his other members.
Powers: None really. All he has is his thieving skills & maybe a couple of fighting skills as well.
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