Name: Vanna
Age: 17
Height: 5'8
Job: Great Thief
History: Vanna grew up in a small village, brought up by a large family of peddlers, thieves and traders. She aqquired quite a few of these trades, using the skills of each one for her own benefit. She soon left her village for new grounds to use her skills upon, moving onto the land of Karchan.
Strenghts: Her ability to barter, blackmail, sing, play the fiddle and theivery (obviously).
Weakness: Little trinkets, jewels and ribbons. Those she cannot resist. Her occasional cockyness sometimes can make people to be against her.
Personality:She's normally quite pleasant and a passionate person. Occasionally cocky but can deal with things mostly with a calm mood but get quite wound up and firey when teased or insulted.
Powers: She is quite skilled with the bow, although her sword skills do need major tutoring and practice. She does posses only a couple of magickal skills, mostly ones to do with the possesions she adores so much, binding with ribbons and few others. She will hopeflly get someone to teach her some more skills.
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