Poetry & Prose

by Jenny Mun Ting Lam

I humbly present to you some poems... scroll down for great quotes...

-- *The title is also the first word

The Zen
Chocolate Dream

Amber incense burns
in the foyer of passion.
Dark smoke drifts upward


He looked at me. My cheeks burned. It was as if something inside of me began to unravel itself. I could see my face in his eyes. There were no more secrets, no more hidden truths. I felt his gaze settle on me and I knew. I could not speak. He spoke. He asked me if this was what I wanted, or everything was going to come to an end. It would be a devastating end. My tears betrayed me, falling through my lashes. Yes, I thought. He gathered me in his arms and whispered into my hair, “Me too”. I clung to him. All the glorious tomorrows floated before me, but the yesterdays still lingered. He is not like the rest, I said to myself. He wasn’t. J. M. T. L.


I saw an old friend from highschool
at the local mom and pop’s store,
in the canned goods aisle.

He was tall
and his tailored suit fit him well.
He smiled, and most of the years fell away.

He commented about the snow,
and said that I looked the same as
when I was seventeen.

Seventeen was the year of dances,
pop stars, and matinees. Of love,
hope, and promise rings.

Time and distance separated us
from the innocence,
necessity and practicality took its place.

We talked about nothing at all
for several minutes,
and left each other.


Stranger’s eyes
we dance through the morning glade
in a moment of agonizing

Jenny Lam


The Zen

Of half-full water bottles,
twenty-five cent mints,
and 6 a.m. showers.

Of locker combinations,
broken relations,
being mistaken.

Of forgetting,
and remembering,
the warm coat on a cold morning.

Jenny Lam 9/8/02



in mid-thought,
in mid-dream,
in a midnight under dying stars,
I lie awake.

Through the endless darkness,
the call of metal swims in a
river of cricket song.

Far beyond my secluded corner,
dawn arrives. A toddler’s feet,
wet with morning dew,
dampen the fertile earth.

I breathe. . .
the breath of patience,
the breath of love,
the breath of heros unborn,
to live another day.

Jenny Lam 8/02

You brush my hair away
with your hand. . . your fingertips roughened with
work trace my yearnings -
fancies roaming in my brown eyes
cry out to be fastened inside you,

JL 5/31/02



from the sea
washes the shore,
intimately embracing
the rocks that
glisten and gleam
in the sun.

Soft harmony,
rhythmic and flowing,
fills the air with
sacred sound.

Gentle but firm
aquamarine lips
caress the golden sand,
leaving a mark -
only to come back again
and wash it

J.L. 3/11



Lonely, so lonely.
The blaze of a lover's fire
blown away from the coldness of winter's wind
Clinging onto the last strand of hope.
Hope, hope... becomes
meaningless after being said so many times.
A void is filled with regret,
seeping into every crevice of a stone heart.
Unseeing eyes trace what might have been,
and hoping that the visions are not lies.
That word again, hope.
Escape and run from the criticizing voices-
Laughing and taunting.
Faster, faster.
Through fields of angels and heavenly things.

- Jenny M. T. Lam      9/19/01



Join me my lord,
at our clandestine rendezvous
in Shangri-la,
Where we will savor the fruit of our enchantment.
Let tranquility capture you, and
Succumb to the Delphic oracle.
Myriad spectrums of divine light
Cast a haunting glow upon you
and I am entranced.
Exquisite euphoria calls.
Come with me to seek a dream



Gilded words of foreign love
hinged on fleeting humanity’s shadows
follow my thoughts.
Inner longings call for release
among weeds and brush
and wasteland.
Surrender to the fantasies
that beckon, like great feasts
dancing in the eyes of a starving soul.
Echoing, faceless voices reverberate
in the hollow vestiges of a heart,
existing on an idea.
Rouged with my own blood
and shredded of essence,
I lose myself in a strange land
where songs of freedom sound
lilting to my ears,
And lemons taste sweet in my mouth.

Jenny M. T. Lam 2/8/02 5:21pm

Casting off all inhibitions
Enveloped within pulsating lava
Lust curls around and permeates every cell
Indulging the carnal senses
Brazenly immersing onself in the heat
Ardent motions stoke the flames
Titillating and



when I am alone
in the dark,
I think of you.
Other times,
when I am in the middle
of a crowd,
I look for you.
In times of happiness
I dream of you,
and in times of sadness
I reach for you.



Chocolate Dream  ~ I was honestly thinking of chocolate!

I trace your sun-darkened, silky skin,
feeling each ridge with stray fingers.
Anticipation tortures me
and thoughts of your sinful taste
tickle my tongue.
Bitter sweetness.
Temptation conquers my weak resolve
and I reach for your intoxicating embrace.
inhaling your rich aroma
but I hesitate like a schoolgirl.
my mouth hungrily seeks
the fulfillment only you can bring.
Too soon, you are gone
and I am left with a chocolate dream.

 J. M. T. L. ~8/2/01














Lost in a reverie of naivete,
and hardened.
Lament crystallized over time,
leaving a harsh,
dry residue of resentment.
Cold, impassive.



Surrealist Poem

 ~ 2/1/02 ~ DPS 

A soul, crazy soul, burn bright in the sky and never leave your path in the obscure. 

And lonely drops of sweetened pain taste sugar from my saddened cheek and falls upon my pouting lip.

I move to wrap my arms around you only to find you already gone.

Soaking the earth with lust, with words you've conjured rain to fall.

The two of us go in circles. I'm afraid we'll eventually find a way.

The tears, they now are no more, but after every rainstorm the rainbow does appear. 

And sometimes I just need to be held.

Driven, I seek the ultimate truth within... but it is so elusive.




Blueberry pie and pink roses
every morning
Smooth wine and soft kisses
every night.
Drunken bliss... lost in a river meandering
through the forest of colors.
Guided by an arrow
into a state of utter contentment.
Pastel printed walls
reflect the rays shining in the window
setting off the earth toned sofas.
the smells of afternoon cologne
combine with the honey glaze
wafting through the air.
Brilliant jolts of passion electrify
warm summer veins.
Soaring above the eagles
Diving below coral reefs
singing the song of seduction.




Blue mist
envelops a lone figure
on the sidewalk.
The fallen man weeps
for the fair child
who is lost
to him.
He cries out helplessly
into the silence of
a velvet horizon.
Regal blossoms thrive in
A chasm of heartache.
He rises to meet a young boy
in a reflection.


I hold in my hand my dreams, untouched and unshattered by a cynical world. I believe that there is hope for a tomorrow where the principles of equality, liberty, and fraternity are understood by all. The tragedy that recently affected our lives has brought everyone together. From the rubble of a fallen edifice, fundamental ideals are placed in the forefront. Hand in hand, we can build a strong society on the foundations of respect and honor.                                 September 11, 2001   


You are beautiful in the nude

without false, lying swaths of silk

rich curves, so elusive.

Your face is lost in the blur of dirt and grime

but always so pure,

so beautiful.



     Henry David Thoreau had once asked, "How could youths better learn to live than by at once trying the experiment of living?" To try the experiment of living, that’s what I’d like to do. If I could walk in someone else’s shoes for a day, it would be with a wise, old woman. I want, for just twenty-four hours, to learn how to fly through life, to know all the secrets to it, and then to forget them and be young again. After all, what fun would it be, to never make a mistake?



Beauty for some provides escape,
Who gain a happiness in eyeing
The gorgeous buttocks of the ape
Or Autumn sunsets exquisitely dying

                                                            Aldous Huxley


There are only two kinds of people who are really fascinating— people who know absolutely everything, and people who know absolutely nothing.

                                                        Oscar Wilde


A friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of Nature.

                                                        Ralph Waldo Emerson


If we reason, we would be understood; if we imagine, we would that the airy children of our brain were born anew within another’s; if we feel, we would that another’s nerves should vibrate to our own, that the beams of their eyes should kindle at once and mix and melt into our own, that lips of motionless ice should not reply to lips quivering and burning with the heart’s best blood. This is Love.

                                                    Percy Bysshe Shelley


It’s true love because
If he said quit drinking martinis but I kept on drinking them
and the next morning I couldn’t get out of bed,
He wouldn’t tell me he told me.

                                                   Judith Viorst


I used to think that everything was just being funny but now I don’t know. I mean, how can you tell?

                                                   Andy Warhol

There used to be two kinds of kisses. First when girls were kissed and deserted; second, when they were engaged. Now there’s a third kind, where the man is kissed and deserted. If Mr. Jones of the nineties bragged he’d kissed a girl, everyone knew he was through with her. If Mr. Jones of 1919 brags the same everyone knows it’s because he can’t kiss her any more. Given a decent start any girl can beat a man nowadays.

                                                    F. Scott Fitzgerald

Melodies heard are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter.

                                                    John Keats

We make out of the quarrel with others, rhetoric, but of the quarrel with ourselves, poetry.  
W. B. Yeats

Love is blind; friendship closes its eyes.

I always made an awkward bow.
J. Keats

To say the truth, reason and love keep little company now-a-days. 
W. Shakespeare

Fan the sinking flame of hilarity with the wing of friendship.
C. Dickens

A lake is the landscape's most beautiful and expressive feature. It is earth's eye; looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature.  
H. D. Thoreau

Of all days, the day on which one has not laughed is the one surely wasted. 
Sebastien-Roch Nicholas de Chamfort

Those who believe that they are exclusively in the right are generally those who achieve something.
A. Huxley

The only passion is the passion for happiness.
D. Diderot

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