Jenny Lam


Good afternoon administrators, faculty, members of the board of education, parents, and the Class of 2003,

Congratulations. Here we are - at the end of one milestone, and ready to step, leap, or cruise into another. I stand before you today, not to deliver profound words of wisdom, but to share my hope that each and every one of us finds personal gratification in life.

As Ms. Pentola aptly said, “Real power is the ability to cultivate a perspective that causes every moment to be fulfilling.” I challenge you to live the moment of the eternal now, because that is the most real. We often miss the present when we dwell over the past, or wait for the future. Do what you want to do, and dream your own dreams. If we actively create our own happiness and success, we can climb any mountain; surpass any limitation.

I haven’t seen much of life at 17, but I know that grades and scores cannot possibly measure a student’s worth. We are all students in an immense classroom without walls. Along our quest for knowledge, we gather experiences that will last longer than any abstract theory will. It is the experiences on the side that make all the difference.

I believe that a life lived well is one lived deeply, deliberately, and passionately.  Live for the things that bring meaning to the minutes, days, years. Otherwise, they would just be empty spaces in the expanse of time.

Whether we follow the path of higher education, join the workforce, or take a rest, I hope we realize those goals we set for ourselves. In doing so, may we never lose our ideals in this modern age of realism. As Senator Carl Shurz said, “Ideals are like stars; you will not succeed in touching them with your hands. But like the seafaring man on the desert of waters, you choose them as your guides, and following them you will reach your destiny.”

I cannot fully express my gratitude to my family, friends, teachers, and counselors for their wealth of support throughout the years. Thank you.

Finally, good luck, and seize the day.


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