Nevermore                                         16.7.02

Nevermore will I take the pain,
Nevermore will you touch me
with your 'suffering', pain, anguish.
Dont bring up the past,
Nevermore will this world harm me,
the way it has before.
Just are not sorry.
Nevermore will that word pass from your lips
neither will it mine.
Nevermore will the blade slice through.
Nevermore will it scar.
Nevermore will I see your pretty face,
so fucked up with lies and deciet.
Find your own way out this time.
Nevermore will my eyes meet yours.
Its over now,
Close your eyes,pretend Im there.
Remember how I used to care,
You were my downfall.
You killed me.
You pulled the knife through,
You drained out the blood,
You drained the life.
Nevermore will you be able to cry.
You will see my face when you close your eyes.
Remember the sacrifice I made,
For you...
But Nevermore...
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