(Photo courtesy of Gareth Collins)

Generalmajor Gerhard Kegler
Born: 26 Jan 1898 in Gr�newald, District Neustettin
Died: 16 Jul 1986 in Siessen
F�hnrich (01 Mar 1917); Leutnant (01 Apr 118); Oberleutnant (01 Apr 1925); Hauptmann (01 Jun 1933); Major (01 Mar 1937); Oberstleutnant (01 Oct 1940); Oberst (01 Feb 1942); Generalmajor (01 Dec 1944)
Entered Army Service (01 Mar 1917)
F�hnrich in the 149th Infantry-Regiment, Platoon & Company Leader (01 Mar 1917-00 Dec 1918)
Company-Leader in Border-Protection East, Section Schneidem�hl-Nakel (00 Dec 1918-01 Oct 1919)
Transferred into the 4th Reichswehr-Infantry-Regiment (01 Oct 1919-01 Mar 1926)
Detached as Instructor to the Army Sports School W�nsdorf (01 Mar 1924-01 Nov 1924)
Supervision-Officer & Sports-Instructor at the Infantry-School (01 Mar 1926-01 Mar 1929)
Director of Officers-Aspirant-Courses for Unteroffizier from the Inspection of Training Matters (01 Mar 1929-1932)
Director of Special-Courses at the Infantry-School (1932-1933)
Ordinance-Officer with the Staff of the 9th Infantry-Regiment (01 Apr 1933-01 Oct 1933)
Company-Chief in the 9th Infantry-Regiment (01 Oct 1933-01 Oct 1934)
Company-Chief in Infantry-Regiment Crossen (01 Oct 1934-01 Oct 1935)
Company-Chief in the 8th MG-Battalion (01 Oct 1935-10 Nov 1938)
Instructor at the War School Munich (10 Nov 1938-01 Oct 1939)
Commander of II. Battalion of the 282nd Infantry-Regiment (01 Oct 1939-01 Jan 1940)
Commander of the Infantry-Instruction-Battalion of the 1st Army (01 Jan 1940-10 Oct 1940)
Commander of the 27th Infantry-Regiment (10 Oct 1940-12 Mar 1942)
Commander of the 786th Infantry-Regiment (12 Mar 1942-01 Aug 1943)
Commander of the 222nd Infantry-Regiment (01 Aug 1943-01 Oct 1944)
Delegated with the Leadership of the 48th Infantry-Division (01 Oct 1944-05 Nov 1944)
Delegated with the Leadership of Infantry-Division Woldenberg (20 Jan 1945-30 Jan 1945)
The division was already destroyed in New Formation and in the instand he assumed command. Only a few remaining units were present. He disobeyed Himmler's Order to defend the City of Landsberg as a fortress. The Command of Himmler to defend the city of Landsberg as a Fortress was insane, since the Russians were already at the city gates and the destroyed troops were not morally and technically combat effective. Nevertheless, General Kegler did led the remnants of the division in the delaying resistance on the line of defence which was developed again then retreated. On Orders from Himmler he was then Arrested and on 12 Feb 1945 was sentenced to death by the Reichs War Court and Demoted because of Neglect of Duty in the Field. As a simple Sch�tze he was severely wounded on 12 Apr 1945. Until April 1946 he was in Hospital then War Captivity. In August 1955 the judgement of the Reichs War Court was waived by the Federal President, the Courts and Authorities on Formal Jurisdiction Queries were not to be followed on the Grounds of the Measure of Punishment in the Third Reich

Awards & Decorations:
Deutsches Kreuz in Gold (01 Dec 1941)

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