The Milagro Temple
The Phone Book
These are some of the most interesting links on the web, X Files-related and not.
The Official X Files Site
Good for episode summaries, cast info and the latest news- when it's here, it's official!
Contains not only interesting spoilers, links to hundreds and thousands of fan sites on the web and comprehensive XF news, but also the best XF forums on the net, including the Mother of this site, The Milagro Temple (The discussion)!
The Internet Movie Database (imdb)
The most comprehensive movie site on the web. Contains over 200000 movies, complete with links to reviews, official sites, news, games, trivia- everything a film buff's heart desires!
TrekWeb- The Star Trek Site
For those of you who (like me) are also fond of Star Trek- check out this Trek news site. Updated daily with the latest on that other franchise!
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Entil'Zha's Review and Fanfic Page
Entil'Zha is the Milagro Temple's (on the about-forum) resident fanfic writer and responsible for creating the Temple's "Mythology". Besides, he also writes excellent in-depth reviews for current and past episodes that are worth checking out- available on this new site.
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