Science Teacher

ESS Pages

Yellowstone Fires

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I was born September 22, 1973, at the Fort Campbell army base just north of Clarksville, TN. Since then I have lived in a town called Vanleer that had 2 streets, Clarksville, population 100,000+, and Martin, all in Tennessee.

I have been in the workforce for several years, doing everything from managing automotive maintenance shops to delivering dynamite to telecommunications and fiber optics, and have decided to finish my degree and do what I can in education.

I am interested in teaching because, to be honest, I noticed a profound lack of practical knowledge and problem solving ability in my school age employees. I spent many hours on the job teaching, and realized that I enjoyed it. Having been an education major before dropping out of school, I decided that my best course of action would be to complete my degree.

I have many interests other than teaching:

My Ford Focus, photography, computers, old cars (I have a 1969 Camaro), and many others.


The web is a great resource, as well as a great waster of resources. Here are some of my favorite pages:

Best search engine! Waste of time! TN Educators!

Focus website! Identify some rocks! How fast is your internet connection?

Software downloads! What type of bug is it? ! sdrawkcab s'tI

And a whole world wide web's worth more!!!



Last updated on Monday, August 26, 2002.


This is a personal home page and does not represent the opinions of TheUniversity of Tennessee at Martin.


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