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Final Fantasy

Chrono Chross

Metal Gear Solid


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Welcome To:
Sushi's Video Games Page

Sushi: Hey there PEOPLE...welcome to my video game page. I can't wait to get PS2, XBOX, and Gamecube...I'm probably not going to get it though....*sigh* money. Oh well...My guests here....are Squall and Rinoa...HALLO!!!
Rinoa: Hi there!!
Squall: ..............
Sushi: How would u guys like to--
Rinoa: Introduce u're page for u....we'd love to u, right Squall.
Squall: .............
Sushi & Rinoa: Come on...SQUALL! U have to introduce the PAGE!!!
Squall: *looks annoyed*.......Fine......This is the Video Game Page that was made by.......Sushi........?!
Rinoa: This page would consists of a lot of video games, which is hopes to finish soon. Most of them, consists of games from Squaresoft....Hope u have fun and enjoy.
Sushi: Thanx Rinoa and Squall for introducing my page for me.
Squall: ...............
Rinoa: No problem, have a good time EVERYBODY!!!!
Sushi: I double that statement...Jaa for now!)

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