The Oromo Society
The Oromo Society is a nation of civilization of Oromo people for productive communicate where everyone can express their feeling and opinions. It desires to unite Oromo nationals all around the world in search of autonomy. As such Oromo Society is not currently another Oromo organization, it is rather a method for change and calls for enhanced organization of Oromo living in and out the country.

Considering the status we are in a united Oromo front, Oromo Society promoter channelling all of our energy and resources toward our freedom through one effective and efficient emancipation organization. 

Structuring a liberation organization is just to get even with another liberation organization is a betrayal of the Oromo cause. We do not believe in the variety of dormant liberation organizations. Any organization that uses regional and religious differences among the Oromo as the basis for its support should be viewed not differently from the Abyssinian settlers. Such an approach to Oromo liberation struggle is self-defeating.

How can we take control of where we want to go from here? If we can get our acts together and get organized, we can conquer all of these and much more. We have to start at the root level, where better organization can produce capable leaders who can effectively take charge nationally and lead our liberation resist. 

Consequently, we call upon all Oromo around the world to get organized to combat the common foe. Lets conduct in a new era, march to the same beat of the pursuit of independence. Hence, we must confirm and stand together as unison to fight against our everyday tyranny; and then, we will prevail to end the slaughtering of the innocent Oromo people, who continue over a century.

United We Stand Divided We Fall!

Oromia Shall Be Free!

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