This site is constantly changing and evolving, much like its author. If a few bumps and rough spots show...well, that's alot like the author, too.

All About Orora...
Be kind, it's just a beginning!

See the Kosmetic Kittens!
Otherwise known as "dah bay-bees"

Pictures of O
Photos of my incredibly glamorous life
Older pics
Recent pics

Pictures of me and my cats!
See the Terrible Trio!
See more of the Terrible Trio!

Tribute to Muezza
The best kitty at Tree House

More haven't been added since last time you were here. Sorry.

The Legend of Big Ole Donkey Girl Scout
All hail the Queen of the Donkeys!

Lipnik Weekends
The Sacking of Atlanta -- 1999
New! L2K (Chicago) -- 2000

View my blog


Mail me! Or live to regret it...

Keep your pets inside! Spay your pet

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