This page will have a ton'o'links. Eventually.

Silly Links

Action Girl's Guide to Female Figures

Being the proprietor of my own "Feminist Action Figure Collection", I appreciate Action Girl's efforts to catalogue and promote female action figures. She literally has a list of every female action figure ever made. If it has two X chromosomes, super powers and plastic body, you'll find it here.

Face Online Message Board

I can spend hours in the cosmetic section of a department store or a drugstore, pondering the subtle differences between two lipsticks that look exactly the same to casual observers. This Web board lets me share my findings with others who are just as obsessive about their toiletries.

Pet of the Day

Pictures of cute animals. One day I'm hoping one of my little demons will win this coveted award.

Designing Women

This is the best site about one of my favorite shows of all time. I've been told I'm a cross between Julia and Mary Jo. I'll take that as a compliment. Undoubtedly, seasons 3-5 were the show's peak years. Personal favorite episode: "Miss Trial", airing October 15, 1990. That episode originated the "Big Ole Donkey Girl Scout" craze.

Do you wonder whether David Doyle [Bosley from Charlie's Angels] is still alive? [He's not] Did the Jeanie we all know and love, Barbara Eden, die from cancer? [No] Definitive answers to the age old "Isn't s/he dead?" question that seems to pop up when discussing old movies/TV shows with your friends.

The Bad Kitty/Bad Human List

For those of you who just can't get enough cat humor (and you know who you are), this page has a very lengthy list of kitty wrongs. At the end of the list is a list of human errors from a cat's perspective. A cute site with more than a few laughs, especially if you have a little demon of your own.

Baby's Named a Bad, Bad Thing.

One word: Hysterical.

Buffy CrewBuffy the Vampire Slayer

Far and away the best show on television, or at least it was. Buffy kicks @ss, and the guys just stand around and wait for her to save them. Now that's quality television. And James Marsters is hot.

Bjorn Again

Speaking of tacky...(not that we were, really, but just go with it)
These guys are an ABBA tribute band that I saw on my 23rd birthday. They dress up in the cheesy costumes, do the cheesy dances and it's a blast to watch. Bjorn Again is about as close as you're going to get to seeing the real ABBA in concert.

Television without Pity

In keeping with my obsession with bad reality TV, this site provides some of the snarkiest, most intelligent commentary. The forums can reach heights of hilarity Saturday Night Live can only dream of.

The 80s Server

Everything you never wanted to know about the 80s. The 80s were my childhood/pre-teen years. Occasionally when I'm feeling nostalgic for the angst of junior high, I head here and test my knowledge of 80s trivia at one of their amazing games.

Serious Links

Tree House LogoTree House Animal Foundation

This is the no-kill, cageless cat shelter where I volunteer. This is a brand new Web site, with current information and pictures of some of the cats on it.

Congressional Email Addresses

No more excuses. You have to write your congressional representative now.

Home Pages of my Friends