Centralia (Illinois) High School - Class of 1958


Picture Gallery and Class Information

You can view the Class of 1958 40th Reunion group picture, and photographs taken at the 40th Reunion by the:
Plassman's set 1 Plassman's set 2 Plassman's set 3
McTall's Besant's Boyles's
Ford's York's

Photographs of classmates, but not taken at the 40th Reunion.

Grade school pictures of classmates.

Washington DC - New York Tour of 1957 group picture.

Other information available about the Class of 1958 is Where Are They Now? and Student Activities.

Update for Class Information

If you have interest in or have information about Centralia (Illinois) High School Class of 1958, send us an e-mail. Classmates can update their information here.

Other Reunion Sites

You can visit other Centralia (Illinois) High School Reunion sites:
Class of 1954 Class of 1968 Class of 1970 Class of 1974 Class of 1990

Other Sites

Click for Centralia, Illinois Forecast Some other sites that may be of interest:

City of Centralia Illinois

Centralia High School Alumni Registry

Centralia onLine

Greater Centralia, Illinois Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Office

Things to Do, Places to Go, and People to See in Austin, Texas

My Labrador Retrievers and Other Dog Stuff


feather_writes Please sign the guestbook before you leave. Thanks.

You can view the guestbook. This page has been online since August 1998.
Y'all come back real soon.

The Orphan Man graphic courtesy of Don Beaty, CHS 68

Send your comments to Fred Plassman.
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