Greetings from Pastor Milt

My desire is to see the Gospel of Jesus Christ lived out in the Orrstown United Brethren Church with the grace and truth that came through Jesus Christ.

I hope to focus my energy on encouraging each believer to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. The method of accomplishing this will be through faithful presentation of the Word of God and through relationship building.

My own walk of discipleship with Jesus Christ began when I was young, and involved the faithful mentoring of many people used by God.  I accepted Jesus Christ in my preteen years, but had a rather undramatic conversion, so I struggled in my early adulthood with the issue of assurance.  Due to the counsel of a godly man who did experience a dramatic conversion, I found peace when he helped me understand that dramatic or undramatic are not the issue, but genuine faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ is what makes one's conversion real.

I was honorably discharged from the navy in 1999 and started seminary that year at Evangelical School of Theology in Myerstown.  I graduated in 2004 with a Master of Arts in Religion.

Please feel welcome to join us in worshiping Jesus Christ and fellowshiping with one another.

If you don't know Jesus Christ and would like to know more about who he is, why he died on the cross, and what that means to you, come and ask your questions. Honest questions are always welcome.


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