This section is in desperate need of submissions! If you hear anything entertaining enough, be it at home, at school, or anywhere else, please submit it and the name of the person who said it (if you know) in the guestbook and it will probably be added. If I get a lot from one place, I can make it its own page....
"It's not an act of God, it's an act of whale blubber!"--Jane

Ellen: "Did I  ask you if it was a plant?"
Tina: "Yes"
Ellen: "And what did you say?"
Tina: "I said 'Nnnneh...mmeh...'"

"I don't like hats, but I like the
idea of hats."--Emma (Me)

"...they really want to gang-rape the angles. And that's bad."--Steffi

"I think we're in way over our heads. I'm going to go stomp on some peppermints."--Emma (Me)

"At lesat it was a
cheap impulse futon."--Steffi

"That would be one sad horse." (Emma)
"It would be a fictitious horse, would that help?"--Mary

"Is that a theta? Cool."--Rhea

"I'm having a lot of urges."--Joe
"That's the story of your life." (Emma)
"I built a rope ladder."--Joe

"Nostrilizer."--Jane Olmstead-Rumsey

"The person is in a box and they are...freaking out."--Jon

"I love it when short people cry!"--Steffi

"It's not that they actually make worse choices, it's just that all our friends have embraced new and different
kinds of crazy."--Steffi

"Jesus Christ is not a Tchaikovsky ballet. I'm just going to throw that out there."--Steffi

"The only good mustache is a finger-stache."--Ellen

"The part of me that knows the Civil War was in the 1860s is separate from the part of me that wants Abraham Lincoln to have lived a loooong time ago."--Steffi

"That really is a stupid-shaped country; imagine how it would look on a stamp."--Elllen

"Damn you, Sir Edmond Hillary!"--Steffi

"Right logic, wrong command of fruits."--Emma (Me)

"Here I am playing the tiniest violin for you and driving with my knees."--Cullen

�Well, I imagine that the worms would come with you, but it depends on what kind you�d like�you could take earthworms with you to clean up all the trash.��Tina
�They�re not real worms!��Sarah

�I would put a gopher in my pocket.��Emma (Me)

�It�s not an adventure if it doesn�t include hours that don�t exist.��Jay

�It was the right answer, I just don�t know what it means.��Mike

Mike: �Would you rather be happy or content?�
Haskell: �Neither.�
Mike: ��discuss.�
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