How To Get On IRC (Instant Relay Chat) For Dummies 1. Download Firefox ( 2. Install it (just keep clicking "OK" and accept all the default settings). 3. Find the search bar (it's at the top, to the right of the address bar) and type in "firefox add-ons: chatzilla." Hit enter. 4. Click a likely-looking link (probably the first one) and find a page with a Mozilla URL, with a screenshot and a big, green button that says something like "Add to Firefox." 5. Click that button. 6. A window should pop up and count down; in 5 or 6 seconds it turns into a button that says "Install." Click that. 7. A progress bar moves along. When it finishes, the button in the lower right changes to say "Restart Firefox" or something of the like. Click that button. 8. Wait for Firefox to restart itself. 9. Go to the Menu bar at the top of the window and click "Tools." Under that menu, there should be an option maybe halfway down that says "ChatZilla." Click that. 10. Once a new window has opened, click in the field at the bottom of the window. 11. Type /server . In this case: /server 12. Wait for the window to stop connecting. You should get a message that says you have successfully connected. 13. Type /join . In this case: /join #CobraKai 14. Wait a little for the channel to recognize you. 15. If all goes well, your firewall isn't set up wrong, and no other problems assail you, you should now be connected to IRC and in a channel. 16. Pat yourself on the back. Then click on the button in the lower-left, give yourself a better name, and say hello. walkthrough by Scuba, circa Firefox 2, June 2008