02-16 00:39:09 Alliance [Bangers] Scuba informs you: Well, I think we've probably screwed around with him enough for now. Unless of course he tries something stupid again, in which case we'll probably go all crazy on his ass again :-) [Report] [Circ. Reply] 02-15 23:49:16 Alliance [Bangers] Scuba informs you: Hmmm...looks like he recalled. . jackhq no want to come out and play... :-( >:-) [Report] [Circ. Reply] 02-15 23:29:05 Alliance [Bangers] Scuba informs you: @Spud: Just one. . 02-15 23:13:29 jackhq [1:454:8] no subject answer what the hell is your proberlim mate [Report] [Circ. Reply] 02-15 23:18:19 Alliance [Bangers] Spud informs you: how many rips did he send? [Report] [Circ. Reply] [PM Reply] 02-15 23:17:48 Alliance [Bangers] Spud informs you: okay I will have 27 other dessies heading out there.....Im currently 14 14 14.....Let me know about an hour out to send them....spud [Report] [Circ. Reply] [PM Reply] 02-15 21:43:22 Alliance [Bangers] Scuba informs you: According to o-calc: - Rips will be destroyed . 45.9% Chance of Moon Destruction 8.21% [Report] [Circ. Reply] 02-15 21:39:12 Alliance [Bangers] Scuba informs you: Sorry I didn't start on the ACS depot sooner; it won't be done for another 4h52m :-P [Report] [Circ. Reply] 02-15 21:36:37 Alliance [Bangers] Scuba informs you: @Spud: Yep, 14:48h to go. [Report] [Circ. Reply] 02-15 21:35:04 Alliance [Bangers] StevePrime informs you: I've no fleet in galaxy 2 anyway. But...I think I'll start from now to get a moon in that Galaxy. I had tried 3 times before but never got one....If I can do that then I'll be able to get a fleet over. okay...1667 light fighters to go....1666 light fighters to go... [Report] [Circ. Reply] [PM Reply] 02-15 21:27:12 Alliance [Bangers] Spud informs you: is he still coming with his ds? Im game :) [Report] [Circ. Reply] [PM Reply] 02-15 21:05:05 Alliance [Bangers] Scuba informs you: Does anybody need metal? I'm looking to trade for crystal. [Report] [Circ. Reply] 02-15 20:31:54 Alliance [Bangers] Scuba informs you: jackhq's DS arrives at 2:125:7 on its moon-destroying mission in 15h53m. I'll have my fleet there, but I need another 10 destroyers to guarantee a draw. I'll have a ACS depot built there in 6 hours. - Anybody interested? [Report] [Circ. Reply] 02-15 19:42:46 Alliance [Bangers] Scuba informs you: ROFL jackhq is sending his RIP to destroy my moon. I'm guessing that you need more than a single RIP to destroy an 8000-size moon with combat stats higher than your own, right? [Report] [Circ. Reply] 02-15 15:44:39 Alliance [Bangers] StevePrime informs you: hey Scuba jackq was hit at 454 9 was that you? lol [Report] [Circ. Reply] [PM Reply] 02-15 10:29:59 Alliance [Bangers] Scuba informs you: 1:83:3 1:451:15 1:453:4 1:454:8 1:454:9 1:455:6 2:454:6 6:454:8 6:454:10 - 1:454:8 is his main planet; most of the rest are more or less disposable. And like I said, he does have a DS lurking around somewhere. Not that you'd have to worry about that ;-) - [Report] [Circ. Reply] 02-15 10:00:20 Alliance [Bangers] StevePrime informs you: @Scuba What is is jackq's position? I think I'll give him a vist with my 1250 battleships and 300 destroyers he he he [Report] [Circ. Reply] [PM Reply] 02-15 08:37:33 Alliance [Bangers] Scuba informs you: Of course, those were all his mostly undefended bases so it wasn't much of a challenge. But still. [Report] [Circ. Reply] 02-15 08:36:43 Alliance [Bangers] Scuba informs you: Hit jackhq three times; barely lost any ships at all. TR--If he gives you any more crap, I'll do it again, so let me know the first time he attacks you again. And if he turns into a whiny little bitch and says he'll attack me back you can tell him I outrank him and I'd take him any day. We both have a DS, should be fun, right? :-) [Report] [Circ. Reply]