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Welcome to our site. This is basically a personal home page about me and my friends' Warhammer. It is under construction, but I hope you enjoy what we have so far.


  New logos are up, new army lists are up, and other miscellaneous stuff is up! And y'know that campaign we were talking about? Well we started it. And then that was it. The end. Well now, we are starting up another one with more people, a better storyline, and this time, we're thinking of playing by the rules. That's it for now.
- Jesse & Gareth

  The site will be under construction a lot this summer (I'm giving it a "facelift"). I'm getting rid of some players on the site, mostly because I don't even talk to them anymore. I've got more hobbies now like MechWarrior: Dark Age, D&D, and Magic: The Gathering, but I'm sticking to the Warhammer site.
  And for that poll that was up on the sidebar for a while, it was useless. Jesse didn't pick any of those armies. He picked Lizardmen. Well at least he's made up his mind. Here were the results:

What fantasy army should Jesse collect?
High Elves (2) 10.00%
Skaven (4) 20.00%
Dwarves (6) 30.00%
Bretonnians (2) 10.00%
Undead (2) 10.00%
None of the above. (4) 20.00%

  A new player! A campaign!! New stats!!! New Tau similarities!!!! Our new member of the site we'll just call "Nick". And about the campaign, we are having one because we felt like it. More on that later. Also, Jesse has switched armies, to Imperial Guard. I wish he would make up his mind. Plus more Tau symbol stuff. Plus, it's nearly Jesse's birthday, and mine! So there's probably going to be bigger armies soon.

  We've been not doing.... anything for a very long time on the site right now, because I've been playing mostly Dungeons & Dragons instead of Warhammer. I think I'm going to make a D&D part of the site, and give it a new look. Also, there are new battle stats and there migt be a new player on the site. Stay tuned!

  More good news! All you Tau fans have more ways to waste your time with the new article about Tau similarities! And there's pictures! Yay! Oh, and new battle stats in 40k.

  There's a new poll up! Which fantasy army should Jesse collect? The results from the last one are:
Tau (9) 36%
Ultramarines (0) 0%
Space Wolves (3) 12%
Imperial Guard (4) 16%
Necrons (5) 20%
They all suck! (4) 16%
Number of votes: 25

  We've put up Jesse and Andrew in the About Us section of the site, and updated battle scores. Sorry for the loooooooooooooooong wait.

  Sorry I haven't been doing much on the site. I've just added my army list and some more stuff to the Tau Section, and an About Us link to your left. They're still UNDER CONSTRUCTION though.

  I've put a new web poll on the sidebar, and have made some touch ups. Not much new. Please go to the 'Contact Us' section to tell us what you think of our site, and what we can add to it.

  We've added some little tidbits of updates here and there. We've also just downloaded Army Builder, and should be adding some stuff with that soon.

  I have added a 'Contact Us' section to our sidebar. If you have any questions or comments, visit there. THANKS

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