Girl Scout Logo Girl Scout Troop #1424

Schedule of meetings. Our Girl Scout year is winding down. Our last meeting will be on June 6th at Lisa's house. We have decided to purchase Wave Waterpark season passes for each girl in the troop. This is the same cost as a one day ticket to Disneyland and the girls can use it the rest of the year. Also, the Wave is local - in Vista - so we will get a lot of use from these tickets.
Girl Scout Website
Permission Slip I will not be returning as Troop Leader next year, so if you mom's would like to keep the troop together, somebody will have to step up as Leader and Co-leader. I'm not sure if Hayley will be returning to the troop as we have other projects that we would like to spend some time on. I hope you all have a wonderful summer and that we keep in touch - you all know where to find me.
Photos Girls can earn Try-It's as a troop or individually. Try-It books are available at Wal-Mart, at the Girl Scout Store, or on-line at the link on the left.

Girl Scout Promise

How to Contact Us

Kit BaslerCarey Kastama
282 Rancho Del Oro #1541450 Vale Terrace Dr.
Oceanside, CA 92057Vista, CA
(760) 439-3139(760) 855-0519
E-mail Kit! E-mail Carey!
[email protected][email protected]
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