What I Believe In
On this page are links to organizations and issues I care about

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Faith, Civil Liberties and Human Rights
Unitarian Universalist Association My faith community since 1986. "Affirming the Inherent Worth and Dignity of Every Person."
Interweave: UUs for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Concerns Membership organization affiliated with the UUA, dedicated to the spiritual, political, and social well-being of UU's who are confronting oppression as lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender persons, and their heterosexual allies.
SDA Kinship International As a former SDA I know this group is needed. Seventh-day Adventist Kinship International, Inc. is a support group which ministers to the spiritual, emotional, social, and physical well-being of Seventh-day Adventist lesbian, gay men, bisexual, and transgendered individuals and their families and friends. SDA Kinship facilitates and promotes the understanding and affirmation of homosexual and bisexual Adventists among themselves and within the Seventh-day Adventist community through education, advocacy, and reconciliation.
Ontario Consultants on Religous Tolerance This site tries to avoid: promoting a specific religious viewpoint, or attacking religious belief generally. They do: * have a Search facility; * describe many different religions, from Asatru to Christianity to Zoroastrianism; * expose religious hatred and misinformation; * discuss all aspects of "hot" religious topics, from Abortion to Homosexuality to Female clergy; * have an index of topics available.
People For the American Way Foundation A voice for civil liberties working to engage more Americans in civic and political action, to defend and strengthen vital institutions.
American Civil Liberties Union The American Civil Liberties Union is the nation's foremost advocate of individual rights -- litigating, legislating, and educating the public on a broad array of issues affecting individual freedom in the United States.
Amnesty International Thousands of people are in prison because of their beliefs. Many are held without charge or trial. Torture and the death penalty are widespread. In many countries men, women and children have "disappeared" after being taken into official custody. Still others have been put to death without any pretence of legality: selected and killed by the governments and their agents. These abuses - taking place in countries of widely differing ideologies - demand an international response. The protection of human rights is an international responsibility, transcending the boundaries of nations and ideologies. This is the fundamental belief upon which the work of Amnesty International, an independent worldwide voluntary movement, is based.
The Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Rights in New Mexico Goals of the coalition are: 1. to work to end discrimination in all forms for all people in the state of New Mexico; 2. to promote an environment where sexual orientation is protected by law; 3. to strengthen community networks; 4. and to create coalitions between community organizations.
Human Rights Campaign The Human Rights Campaign envisions an America where lesbian and gay people are ensured of their basic equal rights - and can be open, honest and safe at home, at work, and in the community.
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) is a leading progressive civil rights organization that has supported grassroots organizing and advocacy since 1973. Since its inception, NGLTF has been at the forefront of every major initiative for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights. In all its efforts, NGLTF helps to strengthen the gay and lesbian movement at the state and local level while connecting these activities to a national vision of change.
It's Time America It's Time, America! (ITA!) is the first nationally-organized grassroots civil rights group seeking to secure and safeguard the rights of all transgendered persons.
NativeWeb NativeWeb is a collective project of many people. NativeWeb's vision embraces ancient teachings and modern technology. NativeWeb's purpose: to provide a cyber-community for Earth's indigenous peoples.
Project Tibet Project Tibet, located here in Santa Fe, is a non-profit organization founded by Tibetan refugees in the United States and friends sympathetic to the Tibetans' plight.
The United Nations Our best hope for peace in the world. The United Nations is an organization of sovereign nations. It provides the machinery to help find solutions to international problems or disputes, and to deal with pressing concerns that face people everywhere.
HIV/AIDS has had a major impact on the past 11 years of my life
HIV InSite A comprehensive, well-rounded and up-to-date site that explores social issues and HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS prevention and HIV/AIDS medical issues.
UNAIDS The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS.
AEGIS One of the largest HIV/AIDS websites.
New Mexico AIDS InfoNet The New Mexico AIDS InfoNet is a project of the HIV Coordinating Council of New Mexico. The InfoNet is intended to make information on HIV/AIDS services and treatments easily accessible in both English and Spanish for residents of New Mexico.
STOP AIDS Project The mission of the STOP AIDS Project is to develop and implement a project for self-identified gay and bisexual men to reduce HIV transmission and lessen the adverse effects of the HIV epidemic on the community.
NNAAPC Online Website of the National Native American AIDS Prevention Center.
The Safer Sex Page An essential resource for an honest discussion of safer sex.
ACT UP While I might not agree with eveything individuals in this organization have done I still believe in the cause!
Care for Mother Earth
Greenpeace Greenpeace is an independent, campaigning organisation which uses non-violent, creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems, and to force the solutions which are essential to a green and peaceful future.
Rainforest Action Network Rainforest Action Network works to protect the Earth's rainforests and support the rights of their inhabitants through education, grassroots organizing, and non-violent direct action.
Forest Guardians

Rio Arriba Land Advocacy Page
These two web pages, of groups that are often at odds with each other, illustrate the complexity of being fair to the land while respecting the cultures of the land's inhabitants.
Earth Island Institute This organization may be the answer to the conflicts mentioned in the previous section. Earth Island believes that "life on Earth is imperiled by human degradation of the biosphere. Earth Island Institute develops and supports projects that counteract threats to the biological diversity and cultural diversity that sustain the environment. Through education and activism, these projects promote the conservation, preservation, and restoration of the Earth."

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